Financial Education and Guidance At Your Fingertips

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u.s. Department of Defense</a></p>","Archive":{"Date":"2024-03-01T00:00:00","Month":"March","Year":2024,"Slug":"march-2024","Name":"March 2024"},"IndexId":1352,"CardImage":{"Id":2526,"Name":"Shutterstock 539629225","Alt":"Shutterstock 539629225","MediaHeight":1735,"MediaWidth":2600,"MediaUrl":"/media/tzejl3ug/shutterstock_539629225.jpg","CropHeight":200,"CropWidth":400,"CropUrl":"/media/tzejl3ug/shutterstock_539629225.jpg?width=400&height=200&v=1da6a87448a6260&format=webp","WebpFormat":true,"NoCrop":false,"VerticalFocalPoint":50.0,"HorizontalFocalPoint":50.0},"CardImgTag":"<img class=\"lazyload\" width=\"400\" height=\"200\"data-src=\"/media/tzejl3ug/shutterstock_539629225.jpg?width=400&height=200&v=1da6a87448a6260&format=webp&quality=80\" alt=\"Shutterstock 539629225\" />","Headline":"Top 10 Internet Safety Rules & What Not to Do Online","Standfirst":"Don't be a victim! Malicious cyber actors may leverage your home network to gain access to personal, private, and confidential information. Help protect yourself, your family, and your work by practicing cybersecurity-aware behaviors, observing some basic configuration guidelines, and implementing the following mitigations on your home network.","CardDescription":"Don't be a victim! Malicious cyber actors may leverage your home network to gain access to personal, private, and confidential information. Help protect your...","Category":{"Name":"Fraud and Security","Id":2260,"Slug":"fraud-and-security-2260","HasCategory":true},"PublishDate":"2024-03-01T00:00:00Z","PublishDateString":"March 1, 2024","Id":2524,"Url":"/resources/learning-center/top-10-internet-safety-rules-what-not-to-do-online/","CardLinkText":"Learn More","HasArticle":true},{"Keywords":["air","always","and","appealing","beware","can","cautious","dating","enhance","even","help","how","identify","important","knowing","life","love","may","navigate","not","online","put","remember","risk","romance","safeguard","scams","securely","seeking","seem","should","signs","steps","taking","that","the","though","when","world","you","your","yourself"],"BannerImage":{"Id":2510,"Name":"Positive Woman Using Smartphone In Cafe 2023 11 27 05 34 48 Utc","Alt":"Positive Woman Using Smartphone In Cafe 2023 11 27 05 34 48 Utc","MediaHeight":1735,"MediaWidth":2600,"MediaUrl":"/media/fvohkol3/positive-woman-using-smartphone-in-cafe-2023-11-27-05-34-48-utc.jpg","CropHeight":350,"CropWidth":950,"CropUrl":"/media/fvohkol3/positive-woman-using-smartphone-in-cafe-2023-11-27-05-34-48-utc.jpg?cc=0,0.17781687094669088,0,0.27015158439361425&width=950&height=350&v=1da5f5a83f83c70&format=webp","WebpFormat":true,"NoCrop":false,"VerticalFocalPoint":50.0,"HorizontalFocalPoint":50.0},"ContentHTML":"<p class=\"MsoNormal\">In the digital age, finding love is just a click away. With the rise of online dating platforms, meeting potential partners has never been easier. However, this convenience has given rise to a new threat – romance scammers. These scammers prey on unsuspecting individuals, promising love and companionship while ultimately leaving victims heartbroken and financially devastated.</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNormal\">&nbsp;</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNormal\"><img src=../../_/media/ixocdrrl/untitled-design-159594.html?rmode=max&amp;width=782&amp;height=391\%22 alt=\"\" width=\"782\" height=\"391\"></p>\n<h2 class=\"MsoNormal headline\"><strong>Understanding Romance Scams</strong></h2>\n<p class=\"MsoNormal\">Romance scams operate on the premise of false identities and fabricated relationships. Scammers create fake profiles, often with stolen photos and information, designed to entice their victims. These profiles may seem too good to be true, with an abundance of shared interests and an irresistible charm.</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNormal\">Once the scammer has initiated contact, they will work diligently to establish a close bond with their target. They shower them with compliments and affectionate messages, creating an illusion of a genuine connection. However, there's always a catch – and they delay meeting<strong> </strong>in person due to various excuses.</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNormal\">As the relationship progresses, the scammer will exploit their victim's emotions to solicit money. They develop<span style=\"font-size: 8.0pt; line-height: 107%;\"> </span>elaborate stories of financial hardship or urgent needs, tugging at the heartstrings of their unsuspecting target. Whether it's for travel expenses, medical emergencies, or debt relief, the request for money is always accompanied by promises of a future together.</p>\n<h2 class=\"MsoNormal headline\"><strong>Signs of a Romance Scam</strong></h2>\n<p class=\"MsoNormal\">Recognizing a romance scam early is crucial in protecting yourself from potential harm. Here are some red flags to watch out for:</p>\n<ul style=\"margin-top: 0in;\">\n<li class=\"MsoNormal\" style=\"mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1; tab-stops: list .5in;\"><strong>Unwillingness to Meet in Person:</strong> If your online partner consistently avoids face-to-face interactions or makes excuses for not meeting, proceed with caution.</li>\n<li class=\"MsoNormal\" style=\"mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1; tab-stops: list .5in;\"><strong>Requests for Money:</strong> Be wary of any requests for financial assistance, especially if they come early in the relationship or seem too urgent to be true.</li>\n<li class=\"MsoNormal\" style=\"mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1; tab-stops: list .5in;\"><strong>Inconsistencies in Stories:</strong> Pay attention to inconsistencies or discrepancies in their stories and background information.</li>\n<li class=\"MsoNormal\" style=\"mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1; tab-stops: list .5in;\"><strong>Pressure to Act Quickly:</strong> Scammers often create a sense of urgency, pressuring their victims to send money without taking the time to verify the situation.</li>\n</ul>\n<h2 class=\"MsoNormal headline\"><strong>Protect Yourself Against Romance Scams</strong></h2>\n<p class=\"MsoNormal\">If you suspect that you may be the target of a romance scam, here are some steps you can take to protect yourself:</p>\n<ul style=\"margin-top: 0in;\">\n<li class=\"MsoNormal\" style=\"mso-list: l1 level1 lfo2; tab-stops: list .5in;\"><strong>Slow Down and Ask Questions:</strong> Take a step back and assess the situation objectively. Don't hesitate to ask questions and seek clarification on any suspicious behavior.</li>\n<li class=\"MsoNormal\" style=\"mso-list: l1 level1 lfo2; tab-stops: list .5in;\"><strong>Conduct Research:</strong> Utilize online tools, such as Google Image Search, to verify the authenticity of their photos and information.</li>\n<li class=\"MsoNormal\" style=\"mso-list: l1 level1 lfo2; tab-stops: list .5in;\"><strong>Report Suspicious Activity:</strong> If you believe you've encountered a scammer, report them to the platform where you initially made contact. By doing so, you can help prevent others from falling victim to the same scam.</li>\n<li class=\"MsoNormal\" style=\"mso-list: l1 level1 lfo2; tab-stops: list .5in;\"><strong>Never Send Money:</strong> Under no circumstances should you send money to someone you've met online, especially if you have doubts about their intentions.</li>\n</ul>\n<p class=\"MsoNormal\">&nbsp;</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNormal\">It is important to be cautious when seeking love online, even though it may seem appealing. Knowing how to identify signs of romance scams and taking steps to safeguard yourself can help you navigate the world of online dating securely. Always remember that love should enhance your life, not put it at risk.</p>","Archive":{"Date":"2024-02-01T00:00:00","Month":"February","Year":2024,"Slug":"february-2024","Name":"February 2024"},"IndexId":1352,"CardImage":{"Id":2510,"Name":"Positive Woman Using Smartphone In Cafe 2023 11 27 05 34 48 Utc","Alt":"Positive Woman Using Smartphone In Cafe 2023 11 27 05 34 48 Utc","MediaHeight":1735,"MediaWidth":2600,"MediaUrl":"/media/fvohkol3/positive-woman-using-smartphone-in-cafe-2023-11-27-05-34-48-utc.jpg","CropHeight":200,"CropWidth":400,"CropUrl":"/media/fvohkol3/positive-woman-using-smartphone-in-cafe-2023-11-27-05-34-48-utc.jpg?cc=0,0.03766377745820834,0,0.2131505547893487&width=400&height=200&v=1da5f5a83f83c70&format=webp","WebpFormat":true,"NoCrop":false,"VerticalFocalPoint":50.0,"HorizontalFocalPoint":50.0},"CardImgTag":"<img class=\"lazyload\" width=\"400\" height=\"200\"data-src=\"/media/fvohkol3/positive-woman-using-smartphone-in-cafe-2023-11-27-05-34-48-utc.jpg?cc=0,0.03766377745820834,0,0.2131505547893487&width=400&height=200&v=1da5f5a83f83c70&format=webp&quality=80\" alt=\"Positive Woman Using Smartphone In Cafe 2023 11 27 05 34 48 Utc\" />","Headline":"Love is in the Air: Beware of Online Romance Scams","Standfirst":"It is important to be cautious when seeking love online, even though it may seem appealing. Knowing how to identify signs of romance scams and taking steps to safeguard yourself can help you navigate the world of online dating securely. Always remember that love should enhance your life, not put it at risk.","CardDescription":"It is important to be cautious when seeking love online, even though it may seem appealing. Knowing how to identify signs of romance scams and taking steps t...","Category":{"Name":"Fraud and Security","Id":2260,"Slug":"fraud-and-security-2260","HasCategory":true},"PublishDate":"2024-02-14T00:00:00Z","PublishDateString":"February 14, 2024","Id":2509,"Url":"/resources/learning-center/love-is-in-the-air-beware-of-online-romance-scams/","CardLinkText":"Learn More","HasArticle":true},{"Keywords":["and","announce","appointment","ashley","bank","company","first","jones","loan","morristown","officer","pleased","seal","tennessee","the","trust","welcomes"],"BannerImage":{"Id":2474,"Name":"New Hire Announcement Ashley Jones (400X200) (1)","Alt":"New Hire Announcement Ashley Jones (400X200) (1)","MediaHeight":400,"MediaWidth":800,"MediaUrl":"/media/jgsp3rky/new-hire-announcement_ashley-jones-400x200-1.png","CropHeight":350,"CropWidth":950,"CropUrl":"/media/jgsp3rky/new-hire-announcement_ashley-jones-400x200-1.png?cc=0,0.03386711122695104,0,0.2292907835098911&width=950&height=350&v=1da55409847ef50&format=webp","WebpFormat":true,"NoCrop":false,"VerticalFocalPoint":50.0,"HorizontalFocalPoint":50.0},"ContentHTML":"<p style=\"text-align: left;\">MORRISTOWN, Tenn., Jan.31, 2024 -- First Bank and Trust Company, a diversified financial services firm with assets of $3.14 billion, is pleased to announce the appointment of Ashley Seal Jones as a Loan Officer in Morristown, Tennessee.</p>\n<p style=\"text-align: left;\">&nbsp;</p>\n<p style=\"text-align: left;\"><img src=../../_/media/mcajt3c4/ashley-jones3d24.html?rmode=max&amp;width=299&amp;height=400\%22 alt=\"\" width=\"299\" height=\"400\">&nbsp; &nbsp;<img src=../../_/media/klvdydeu/david-slack3d24.html?rmode=max&amp;width=299&amp;height=400\%22 alt=\"\" width=\"299\" height=\"400\"></p>\n<p style=\"text-align: left;\"><em>&nbsp;Ashley Seal Jones, Loan Officer and David Slack, SVP/City Executive</em></p>\n<p style=\"text-align: left;\">&nbsp;</p>\n<p style=\"text-align: left;\">Jones has over 14 years of experience in the financial industry and has built a reputation for exceptional customer service and tailored financial solutions. In her new role at First Bank and Trust Company, she will offer customized mortgage and commercial lending solutions in Morristown and the surrounding market areas.</p>\n<p style=\"text-align: left;\">“First Bank and Trust Company is extremely excited to have Ashley join us here in Morristown as a Loan Officer. Her primary specialty is Mortgage Loans, and her vast experience in this field will make her a tremendous asset. She will back up the office on Commercial Loans and has many contacts throughout the bank’s footprint. Ashley is ready to make an impact, and she is eager to start taking calls as well as being involved in the community,” stated David E. Slack, Senior Vice President and City Executive.</p>\n<p style=\"text-align: left;\">Jones's passion for serving others led her to pursue a career in lending and finance. Her approach to building customer relationships has remained consistent throughout her career, even as the industry has evolved. Jones's approach to customer service sets her apart from others in the industry. “I strive to find common ground with people, make them feel at ease, and prioritize their needs. I believe in displaying humility in creating realistic solutions to help my customers grow financially,” stated Jones.&nbsp;</p>\n<p style=\"text-align: left;\">Jones proactively gives back to her community by supporting small businesses and participating in local food drives, such as Second Harvest of East Tennessee and Meals on Wheels, among many others. She is also a proud member of the Morristown Chamber of Commerce.</p>\n<p style=\"text-align: left;\">First Bank and Trust Company is known for offering competitive products and services to the community while maintaining a friendly, personable, and welcoming environment. Ashley Seal Jones's appointment as a Loan Officer will reinforce the bank's commitment to providing exceptional service to Morristown and the surrounding communities.</p>\n<p style=\"text-align: left;\">&nbsp;</p>\n<p style=\"text-align: left;\"><img src=../../_/media/vmxfpny3/branch-25-morristown-lpo68fe.html?rmode=max&amp;width=448&amp;height=336\%22 alt=\"\" width=\"448\" height=\"336\"></p>\n<p style=\"text-align: left;\"><em>First Bank and Trust Company Loan Production Office in Morristown, TN</em></p>\n<p style=\"text-align: left;\">&nbsp;</p>\n<p style=\"text-align: left;\">Jones's office is located at 910 W First North St. in Morristown, Tennessee. She may be reached at&nbsp;<a or by calling (423) 200-4303<a href=../../_/(423)%20200-4303/___/a_._/p_/n_p/index.html style=\"text-align: left;\">&nbsp;</p>\n<h2 class=\"headline\" style=\"text-align: left;\">About First Bank and Trust Company</h2>\n<p style=\"text-align: left;\"><br>First Bank and Trust Company, one of the top community banks in the United States, is a diversified financial services firm with office locations throughout southwest Virginia and the state’s Blue Ridge and Shenandoah Valleys. First Bank and Trust Company also operates throughout northeast Tennessee and North Carolina. Financial solutions are addressed by offering free checking products for personal and business accounts, savings, money markets, and time deposit accounts. Lending solutions are managed by mortgage, agricultural, and commercial lending divisions. Comprehensive wealth management solutions are available through trust and brokerage service representatives.&nbsp;</p>\n<p style=\"text-align: left;\">For more information, visit <a href=../../_/our-company/who-we-are/__Who/index.html We Are | First Bank &amp; Trust Company</a>&nbsp;or contact Kaitlyn Widner at <a style=\"text-align: left;\">SOURCE First Bank and Trust Company</p>","Archive":{"Date":"2024-01-01T00:00:00","Month":"January","Year":2024,"Slug":"january-2024","Name":"January 2024"},"IndexId":1352,"CardImage":{"Id":2474,"Name":"New Hire Announcement Ashley Jones (400X200) (1)","Alt":"New Hire Announcement Ashley Jones (400X200) (1)","MediaHeight":400,"MediaWidth":800,"MediaUrl":"/media/jgsp3rky/new-hire-announcement_ashley-jones-400x200-1.png","CropHeight":200,"CropWidth":400,"CropUrl":"/media/jgsp3rky/new-hire-announcement_ashley-jones-400x200-1.png?width=400&height=200&v=1da55409847ef50&format=webp","WebpFormat":true,"NoCrop":false,"VerticalFocalPoint":50.0,"HorizontalFocalPoint":50.0},"CardImgTag":"<img class=\"lazyload\" width=\"400\" height=\"200\"data-src=\"/media/jgsp3rky/new-hire-announcement_ashley-jones-400x200-1.png?width=400&height=200&v=1da55409847ef50&format=webp&quality=80\" alt=\"New Hire Announcement Ashley Jones (400X200) (1)\" />","Headline":"First Bank and Trust Company Welcomes Ashley Seal Jones","Standfirst":"First Bank and Trust Company is pleased to announce the appointment of Ashley Seal Jones as a Loan Officer in Morristown, Tennessee.","CardDescription":"First Bank and Trust Company is pleased to announce the appointment of Ashley Seal Jones as a Loan Officer in Morristown, Tennessee.","Category":{"Name":"News","Id":1350,"Slug":"news-1350","HasCategory":true},"PublishDate":"2024-01-31T00:00:00Z","PublishDateString":"January 31, 2024","Id":2473,"Url":"/resources/learning-center/first-bank-and-trust-company-welcomes-ashley-seal-jones/","CardLinkText":"Learn More","HasArticle":true},{"Keywords":["170","allnew","and","are","bank","company","customers","enhance","experience","explore","first","have","introduce","new","our","over","pages","strides","taken","the","thrilled","trust","user","website","with","your"],"BannerImage":{"Id":2427,"Name":"Shutterstock 2129816243","Alt":"Shutterstock 2129816243","MediaHeight":1735,"MediaWidth":2600,"MediaUrl":"/media/iitlhpxn/shutterstock_2129816243.jpg","CropHeight":350,"CropWidth":950,"CropUrl":"/media/iitlhpxn/shutterstock_2129816243.jpg?width=950&height=350&v=1da401c38047890&format=webp","WebpFormat":true,"NoCrop":false,"VerticalFocalPoint":50.0,"HorizontalFocalPoint":50.0},"ContentHTML":"<p>Designed with you in mind, the new, custom First Bank and Trust Company branded website reflects our commitment to providing you with an exceptional, one-of-a-kind banking experience with the tools and resources to help you manage your financial life with ease and convenience.</p>\n<h2 class=\"headline\">Main Navigation</h2>\n<p>With the expanded sitemap, you can now effortlessly navigate through our enhanced website menu and immerse yourself in pages tailored to your unique financial interests. Whether you're diving into <a href=../../_/personal/mobile-and-online-banking/_/index.html title=\"Mobile and Online Banking\">digital banking features</a>, <a href=../../_/personal/personal-banking/checking-accounts/_/index.html title=\"Checking Accounts\">comparing checking accounts</a>, exploring&nbsp;<a href=../../_/business-commercial/solutions/_/index.html title=\"Solutions\">business solutions</a> for your <a href=../../_/business-commercial/solutions/solutions-by-industry/_/index.html title=\"Solutions by Industry\">specific industry</a>, <a href=../../_/agriculture/loans/_/index.html title=\"Tailored Loan Solutions for Your Operation\">growing agricultural operations</a>, taking a step towards <a href=../../_/mortgage/buy/_/index.html title=\"Buy\">purchasing your dream home</a>, or gearing up to <a href=../../_/wealth-management/investing/_/index.html title=\"Investing\">invest in your future</a> – we provide the information and resources to guide your journey. You can also take advantage of the search feature to assist in your navigation of the new website.</p>\n<div class=\"mceNonEditable embeditem\" data-embed-url=\"\" data-embed-height=\"300\" data-embed-width=\"600\" data-embed-constrain=\"true\"><iframe width=\"533\" height=\"300\" src=../../_https_/\%22 frameborder=\"0\" allow=\"accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share\" allowfullscreen=\"allowfullscreen\" title=\"New Website - Overview of the Primary Menu\"></iframe></div>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<p><!-- [if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--><!--[endif]-->The main menu also includes access to&nbsp;<a rel=\"noopener\" href=../../_https_/ target=\"_blank\">Log In to Online Banking</a>. Customers can log in to their accounts from any page of the website by locating the red Log In button in the top right corner of the website. The Log In button also features a dropdown for log-in access for Trust Customers, Remote Deposit Capture, Merchant, and 401 K Services.</p>\n<div class=\"mceNonEditable embeditem\" data-embed-url=\"\" data-embed-height=\"300\" data-embed-width=\"600\" data-embed-constrain=\"true\"><iframe width=\"533\" height=\"300\" src=../../_https_/\%22 frameborder=\"0\" allow=\"accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share\" allowfullscreen=\"allowfullscreen\" title=\"New Website - Access to the Online Banking Login\"></iframe></div>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h2 class=\"headline\">Quick Navigation</h2>\n<p>The resource menu is designed to make finding a location or contacting our support team quick and easy. Additionally, we have a dedicated security page to keep you abreast of fraud alerts and trends, and tools and solutions to keep your accounts protected from the bad guys. We have also added a Customer Feedback form so you can let us know how we are doing. The quick navigation menu, appearing in gray, also contains Spanish translation. This addition is not just about reaching a wider audience; it's about fostering inclusivity and making financial information accessible to everyone, regardless of their primary language.&nbsp;&nbsp;<!--[endif]--></p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<div class=\"mceNonEditable embeditem\" data-embed-url=\"\" data-embed-height=\"300\" data-embed-width=\"600\" data-embed-constrain=\"false\"><iframe width=\"533\" height=\"300\" src=../../_https_/\%22 frameborder=\"0\" allow=\"accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share\" allowfullscreen=\"allowfullscreen\" title=\"New Website - Overview of the Utility Menu\"></iframe></div>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h2 class=\"headline\"><a href=../../_/resources/learning-center/_/index.html title=\"Learning Center\">Learning Center</a></h2>\n<p>As your financial partner, it's crucial for us to keep you informed with trustworthy resources you can count on. If you're seeking more information on a specific topic, head over to our new Learning Center to find blog articles on relevant subjects. Stay up to date with fraud trends by accessing our monthly security newsletter, access financial education articles, keep up with the latest bank news, or check-in for announcements regarding our latest technology enhancements within our digital banking platform.</p>\n<h2 class=\"headline\"><a href=../../_/financial-calculators/_/index.html title=\"Financial Calculators\">Financial Calculators</a></h2>\n<p>Financial decisions come down to the numbers. Run test calculations for home affordability, retirement income, net worth, Roth vs. Traditional IRA and more. Our new calculators are mobile friendly, so you can easily crunch numbers whenever and wherever it is most convenient for you.<br><br></p>\n<h2 class=\"headline\"><!--[endif]--><a href=../../_/our-company/meet-the-teams/_/index.html title=\"Meet The Teams\">Find A Local Banker</a></h2>\n<p>With the addition of our Teams section, you can easily discover our team of local experts and connect with a local lender in your area who is familiar with the market and understands your unique financial needs. Discover our full team of commercial lenders from the teams section or find your local bankers by viewing the page for your local branch.</p>\n<p><!--[endif]-->No matter how you choose to bank, we are built to support you. Whether you prefer a digital banking experience or want easy, clickable directions to visit a nearby branch, you can count on us to deliver the experience that best meets your needs.</p>","Archive":{"Date":"2024-01-01T00:00:00","Month":"January","Year":2024,"Slug":"january-2024","Name":"January 2024"},"IndexId":1352,"CardImage":{"Id":2427,"Name":"Shutterstock 2129816243","Alt":"Shutterstock 2129816243","MediaHeight":1735,"MediaWidth":2600,"MediaUrl":"/media/iitlhpxn/shutterstock_2129816243.jpg","CropHeight":200,"CropWidth":400,"CropUrl":"/media/iitlhpxn/shutterstock_2129816243.jpg?width=400&height=200&v=1da401c38047890&format=webp","WebpFormat":true,"NoCrop":false,"VerticalFocalPoint":50.0,"HorizontalFocalPoint":50.0},"CardImgTag":"<img class=\"lazyload\" width=\"400\" height=\"200\"data-src=\"/media/iitlhpxn/shutterstock_2129816243.jpg?width=400&height=200&v=1da401c38047890&format=webp&quality=80\" alt=\"Shutterstock 2129816243\" />","Headline":"Explore The New Website","Standfirst":"We are thrilled to introduce our customers to the all-new First Bank and Trust Company website. With over 170 pages to explore, we have taken strides to enhance your website user experience.","CardDescription":"We are thrilled to introduce our customers to the all-new First Bank and Trust Company website. With over 170 pages to explore, we have taken strides to enha...","Category":{"Name":"Digital Banking","Id":1347,"Slug":"digital-banking-1347","HasCategory":true},"PublishDate":"2024-01-11T00:00:00Z","PublishDateString":"January 11, 2024","Id":2265,"Url":"/resources/learning-center/welcome-to-the-new-first-bank-and-trust-company-website/","CardLinkText":"Learn More","HasArticle":true},{"Keywords":["2023","affected","and","are","bec","businesses","check","cybersecurity","fraud","phishing","that","the","these","top","trends"],"BannerImage":{"Id":2458,"Name":"Shutterstock 1202221816","Alt":"Shutterstock 1202221816","MediaHeight":1733,"MediaWidth":2600,"MediaUrl":"/media/bn5ptpiz/shutterstock_1202221816.jpg","CropHeight":350,"CropWidth":950,"CropUrl":"/media/bn5ptpiz/shutterstock_1202221816.jpg?width=950&height=350&v=1da49585e423d40&format=webp","WebpFormat":true,"NoCrop":false,"VerticalFocalPoint":50.0,"HorizontalFocalPoint":50.0},"ContentHTML":"<p>Threat actors have been busy this year turning inboxes and mailboxes into fraud minefields. While phishing scams and check fraud have been around for years, the sharp rise in these fraud attempts highlights the need for organizations to remain vigilant and consider strengthening defenses to protect themselves against costly breaches.&nbsp;</p>\n<h2 class=\"headline\">Fraudsters are still going phishing to snare victims</h2>\n<p>Phishing is a form of social engineering used to harvest sensitive information, from which they can determine how to further exploit the victims. Cybercriminals exploit our inherent helpfulness and trustworthiness through these types of fraud attempts, which is why they’re so successful.</p>\n<p>Most people are aware of phishing scams – we’ve heard about them on the news, social media, and cybersecurity training. Despite this awareness, a 2022 Verizon report found that 82% of reported breaches involve the human element. Additionally, though the report found that just 2.9% of phishing emails were clicked on, these breaches could lead to more than 33 million accounts being compromised.<br>The financial consequence of a successful data breach is another reason phishing can be so dangerous. Data breaches resulting from successful phishing attempts averaged $4.91 million globally in 2022, making it one of the most expensive forms of fraud.</p>\n<h3 class=\"headline\">Think before you click to help avoid phishing scams:</h3>\n<ul>\n<li>Never click links or open attachments from unknown senders or suspicious emails.</li>\n<li>Hover over URLs in emails to check the link before clicking on it.</li>\n<li>Don’t assume a branded email is safe – fraudsters can mimic logos.</li>\n<li>Watch out for urgent, demanding, or threatening requests.</li>\n<li>Check for brand indicators for message identification (BIMI), which indicate an email is validated and trusted.</li>\n<li>Develop a robust data recovery and protection plan to minimize the damage of a breach.</li>\n</ul>\n<h2 class=\"headline\">Business email compromise is costing companies big money</h2>\n<p>There’s a reason why the FBI says business email compromise (BEC) was one of the costliest forms of&nbsp;<br>cyberattacks.</p>\n<p>BEC is a form of phishing that targets employees by impersonating vendors or leadership members and requesting employees take some financial action. Victims of BEC might find themselves on the receiving end of a seemingly innocent email from a vendor asking them to update bank account information or submit an invoice to a new entity. The fraudster might have compromised the vendor’s email account or, more likely, have made minor, easy-to-miss adjustments to the known email address.</p>\n<p>Often, because the business originated the payment, these funds result in a loss that can only sometimes be recovered. When compromised, an organization’s best chance to remedy a potentially devastating situation is to act fast.</p>\n<p>Employee training and an incident response and data recovery plan can increase your chances of catching a BEC attempt before it’s too late.&nbsp;</p>\n<h3 class=\"headline\">Verify requests and act fast to help protect against BEC:</h3>\n<ul>\n<li>Call vendor contacts or people within your organization at a known or confirmed number to verify any request to change invoicing or financial information, send payments to an unknown destination, or purchase gift cards.</li>\n<li>Be suspicious of changes in business practice, such as a known contact requesting you email them via a personal email address.</li>\n<li>Avoid responding quickly when an email requests you take urgent action.</li>\n<li>If you are a victim of business email compromise, immediately contact your bank and submit a claim to the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center.</li>\n</ul>\n<h2 class=\"headline\">Check fraud is on the rise – again</h2>\n<p>What’s old is new again as we look ahead to 2024. Despite predictions just a few years ago that check use would dwindle into nonexistence, individuals, businesses, and government entities continue to rely on checks. Cybercriminals have taken advantage of this fact in recent years, as evidenced by check fraud doubling in 2022. The financial ramifications of check fraud can be overwhelming: Check fraud lead to $24 billion in damages in 2023.</p>\n<p>Much like phishing scammers, bad actors committing check fraud rarely work alone. A black market has even emerged for stolen checks.&nbsp;</p>\n<p>While banks are required to return fraudulent funds in the case of check fraud, there is no set timeline for them to do so. Claims can drag on, leading customers to be without their funds for months.</p>\n<h3 class=\"headline\">Stay one step ahead of check fraudsters:</h3>\n<ul>\n<li>Leverage electronic payments whenever possible.</li>\n<li>Consider sending checks through UPS-certified mail or another tracked mail system.</li>\n<li>Bring checks to a post office instead of putting them in an outgoing mailbox.</li>\n<li>Depending on your bank, use available security measures to review checks and approve or decline them to help catch fraud early.</li>\n<li>Separate employee fiduciary duties within your organization, so the person writing the checks isn’t also responsible for cashing them and reconciling accounts.</li>\n</ul>\n<h2 class=\"headline\">Keep cybersecurity &amp; fraud prevention top of mind in 2024</h2>\n<p>The threat landscape is ever evolving, and how organizations can best protect themselves is constantly shifting. Despite the specific threats looming on the horizon, it is essential to remember that an overall cybersecurity and fraud prevention strategy should be a priority for organizations of every size.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Source: <a href=../../_https_/ &amp; Fraud Trends | Huntington Bank</a></p>","Archive":{"Date":"2024-01-01T00:00:00","Month":"January","Year":2024,"Slug":"january-2024","Name":"January 2024"},"IndexId":1352,"CardImage":{"Id":2458,"Name":"Shutterstock 1202221816","Alt":"Shutterstock 1202221816","MediaHeight":1733,"MediaWidth":2600,"MediaUrl":"/media/bn5ptpiz/shutterstock_1202221816.jpg","CropHeight":200,"CropWidth":400,"CropUrl":"/media/bn5ptpiz/shutterstock_1202221816.jpg?width=400&height=200&v=1da49585e423d40&format=webp","WebpFormat":true,"NoCrop":false,"VerticalFocalPoint":50.0,"HorizontalFocalPoint":50.0},"CardImgTag":"<img class=\"lazyload\" width=\"400\" height=\"200\"data-src=\"/media/bn5ptpiz/shutterstock_1202221816.jpg?width=400&height=200&v=1da49585e423d40&format=webp&quality=80\" alt=\"Shutterstock 1202221816\" />","Headline":"Phishing, BEC, and Check Fraud: The Top Fraud Trends in 2023","Standfirst":"These are the top cybersecurity and fraud trends that affected businesses in 2023.","CardDescription":"These are the top cybersecurity and fraud trends that affected businesses in 2023.","Category":{"Name":"Fraud and Security","Id":2260,"Slug":"fraud-and-security-2260","HasCategory":true},"PublishDate":"2024-01-01T00:00:00Z","PublishDateString":"January 1, 2024","Id":2459,"Url":"/resources/learning-center/phishing-bec-and-check-fraud-the-top-fraud-trends-in-2023/","CardLinkText":"Learn More","HasArticle":true},{"Keywords":["about","also","are","arent","but","careful","coming","crack","daily","despite","down","efforts","for","from","gateway","get","heres","how","information","keep","not","nuisance","only","personal","protect","read","robocallers","robocalls","scammers","your","yourself"],"BannerImage":{"Id":2460,"Name":"Shutterstock 2234880201","Alt":"Shutterstock 2234880201","MediaHeight":1733,"MediaWidth":2600,"MediaUrl":"/media/eutdofba/shutterstock_2234880201.jpg","CropHeight":350,"CropWidth":950,"CropUrl":"/media/eutdofba/shutterstock_2234880201.jpg?width=950&height=350&v=1da49648c382d20&format=webp","WebpFormat":true,"NoCrop":false,"VerticalFocalPoint":50.0,"HorizontalFocalPoint":50.0},"ContentHTML":"<p>Our phones keep ringing with unwanted robocalls. Washington said it was getting tough.</p>\n<p>So, what happened? Will those calls ever stop?&nbsp;</p>\n<h2 class=\"headline\">When the phone rings</h2>\n<p>When spammers call and call and call, apps like Robokiller block them.&nbsp;</p>\n<p>A month-by-month chart from Robokiller shows a robocall rollercoaster. Tall peaks and deep valleys repeat.</p>\n<p>This past summer, robocalls dipped from a high of almost 8 billion a month. It turns out, the Federal Communications Commission took legal action targeting some companies that make bulk robocalls.</p>\n<p>The FCC says its steps resulted in an “88% month-to-month drop in student loan scam robocalls,” plus a “99% drop in auto warranty scam robocalls.”</p>\n<p>And yet, our phones keep ringing. It’s like Whack-A-Mole. The crooks keep finding ways to circumvent the protections the FCC put up.</p>\n<p>For example, Robokiller says robocalls shot back up to about 6 billion in March – just a few months after the FCC’s victory lap.</p>\n<h2 class=\"headline\">So, what can you do?</h2>\n<p>Consumers can install a robocall blocker – for a fee. Robokiller is just one of many. You can get a free 7-day trial to test it out and see if it makes a difference for you.</p>\n<p>Or, you can check with your phone carrier. See if it offers a free blocker like T-Mobile’s “Scam Shield.” It identifies if a call is most likely to be a scam, and it’s 99% accurate.</p>\n<p>T-Mobile says it’s intercepting tons of spam calls. More than 40 billion spam calls on the T-Mobile network were blocked in 2022 alone.&nbsp;</p>\n<p>If an unknown call gets through, practice self-restraint. If you don’t recognize a number, don’t pick up. If you do pick up, and it’s not somebody you know, and you’re certain it’s not somebody you know, just hang up.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Source: <a href=../../_https_/ Keep Coming Despite Efforts to Crack Down. Here’s How to Protect Yourself – NBC Bay Area</a></p>","Archive":{"Date":"2024-01-01T00:00:00","Month":"January","Year":2024,"Slug":"january-2024","Name":"January 2024"},"IndexId":1352,"CardImage":{"Id":2460,"Name":"Shutterstock 2234880201","Alt":"Shutterstock 2234880201","MediaHeight":1733,"MediaWidth":2600,"MediaUrl":"/media/eutdofba/shutterstock_2234880201.jpg","CropHeight":200,"CropWidth":400,"CropUrl":"/media/eutdofba/shutterstock_2234880201.jpg?width=400&height=200&v=1da49648c382d20&format=webp","WebpFormat":true,"NoCrop":false,"VerticalFocalPoint":50.0,"HorizontalFocalPoint":50.0},"CardImgTag":"<img class=\"lazyload\" width=\"400\" height=\"200\"data-src=\"/media/eutdofba/shutterstock_2234880201.jpg?width=400&height=200&v=1da49648c382d20&format=webp&quality=80\" alt=\"Shutterstock 2234880201\" />","Headline":"Robocalls Keep Coming Despite Efforts to Crack Down. Here's How to Protect Yourself","Standfirst":"Robocalls are not only a daily nuisance, but also a gateway for scammers to get your personal information if we aren't careful. Read about how to protect yourself from Robocallers.","CardDescription":"Robocalls are not only a daily nuisance, but also a gateway for scammers to get your personal information if we aren't careful. Read about how to protect you...","Category":{"Name":"Fraud and Security","Id":2260,"Slug":"fraud-and-security-2260","HasCategory":true},"PublishDate":"2024-01-01T00:00:00Z","PublishDateString":"January 1, 2024","Id":2461,"Url":"/resources/learning-center/robocalls-keep-coming-despite-efforts-to-crack-down-heres-how-to-protect-yourself/","CardLinkText":"Learn More","HasArticle":true},{"Keywords":["apply","applying","before","essential","everything","for","get","home","how","insights","know","learn","loan","mortgage","need","securing","set","these","what","with","you","youll"],"BannerImage":{"Id":2299,"Name":"Shutterstock 1716569524","Alt":"Shutterstock 1716569524","MediaHeight":1733,"MediaWidth":2600,"MediaUrl":"/media/logf5u0j/shutterstock_1716569524.jpg","CropHeight":350,"CropWidth":950,"CropUrl":"/media/logf5u0j/shutterstock_1716569524.jpg?rxy=0.37286840221980594,0.4645475416447236&width=950&height=350&v=1da3e6988489fc0&format=webp","WebpFormat":true,"NoCrop":false,"VerticalFocalPoint":46.0,"HorizontalFocalPoint":37.0},"ContentHTML":"<p>Buying a new home is a big deal. To pay for one, you’ll likely need financial assistance, but the process of applying for a mortgage loan can overwhelm new homeowners. There are many factors involved, all of which will determine what impact a mortgage loan will have on your finances—not to mention your life in general.</p>\n<p>Here, we’ll go over some of the finer details that you should be aware of before applying for a mortgage.</p>\n<h2 class=\"headline\">Consider Your Credit Before You Apply For A Mortgage Loan</h2>\n<p>Before you apply for a mortgage loan, you need to know about credit and how your <a href=../../_/personal/mobile-and-online-banking/credit-score/_/index.html title=\"credit score\">credit score</a> will work for or against you.</p>\n<p>In general, your credit is made up of several components, including how much money you have borrowed and paid back in the past, how reliable you are at making payments, and other factors that are important for lenders to consider before considering you for a loan. These factors all go into your credit score, which is a numerical representation of your reputation as a borrower.</p>\n<p>If your credit score is below a certain level, it will be harder for you to get approved for a mortgage loan. If you do qualify for the loan, a lower credit score could mean a higher interest rate. Since it’s considered higher risk to lend to someone with a lower credit score, a higher interest rate on the loan is used to help cover that risk.</p>\n<p><strong>In general, any score above 720 is considered to be high, while a mid-high range is between 650 and 720. Anything below 650 will make it difficult to get approved for a mortgage loan. These ranges may vary depending on the lending institution you work with.</strong></p>\n<h2 class=\"headline\">Know Your Price Range For Buying A Home</h2>\n<p>Another important aspect of applying for a mortgage loan is how much house you can actually afford. This is determined by how much you earn versus the amount you pay toward the mortgage each month. <br><br>Try our home affordability calculator <a rel=\"noopener\" href=../../_/financial-calculators/home-affordability-calculator/_/index.html target=\"_blank\" title=\"Home Affordability Calculator\" data-gc-link=\"\">here</a>.</p>\n<p>Each loan is set to a specific timeframe, such as 30 years for a mortgage, and the loan has to be paid off within that period of time. That means a larger mortgage will have higher monthly payments to make sure it’s all paid off within the set life of the loan.</p>\n<p>If the monthly payments are too large in proportion with how much you earn, you may not get approved for the loan. The proportion of your debt to your income is called your debt-to-income ratio, and it’s calculated by dividing your expected monthly payments by your monthly income. This not only includes the mortgage, but also any current debts you have, such as auto loans, student loans, and credit card debt and so on.</p>\n<p>Most lenders go by a standard of 36% debt-to-income ratio as the absolute maximum, but some will go higher than that. Generally speaking, though, it’s best to borrow below that amount since it will make repayment easier.</p>\n<p><strong>How does your debt-to-income ratio (DTI) factor into your price range? </strong></p>\n<p>Simply put, the pricier the house, the more you’ll have to borrow to finance it. The larger the mortgage, the higher the payments. Ultimately, the house you can afford will depend on your ability to make monthly payments over the life of the loan.</p>\n<p><strong>It’s also important to note that just because you <em>can</em> afford a certain amount does not mean you <em>have to </em>get a loan for that full amount. </strong>You should keep your current and future financial goals in mind while considering just how much to spend on your home purchase.</p>\n<h2 class=\"headline\">Determine How Much You Need for a Down Payment</h2>\n<p>Another way that banks and other lenders will reduce the amount of risk they take on with mortgages is through down payments. A down payment is an upfront amount that you pay for the loan, and it’s represented as a percentage.</p>\n<p>Often, mortgages require a 10% to 20% down payment, but there are situations in which you may qualify for 100% financing, which means no down payment. The amount you borrow is the full value of the home.</p>\n<p>Naturally, a higher credit score will make it more likely that you’ll qualify for a low—or no—down payment, which can be good if you don’t have a lot of cash to cover the upfront cost.</p>\n<p>However, it can also be beneficial to make a large down payment if you are able to. This is because you essentially reduce the amount you borrow and can avoid PMI or Private Mortgage Insurance, thereby lowering monthly payments and the total amount of interest you pay over the course of the loan.</p>\n<h2 class=\"headline\">Learn the Difference Between Fixed-Rate and Adjustable-Rate Interest Loans</h2>\n<p>With all mortgages, you will end up paying interest in some form. This is a percentage of the loan payments that you will have to pay extra each month, so you want these rates to be as low as possible. There are two basic options when it comes to the rates you choose:</p>\n<p><strong>Fixed-rate mortgage loans</strong></p>\n<p>For a fixed-rate loan, you get a set interest rate right at the start and that rate is locked in for the life of the loan. This way, if market rates fluctuate, your loan payments don’t fluctuate with them, which can be good if it seems like they might go up in the near future. If you can lock in a low rate at the start, fixed-rate is usually the way to go.</p>\n<p><strong>Adjustable-rate mortgage loans</strong></p>\n<p>In an adjustable-rate mortgage, the interest you pay will fluctuate with the market, so you may end up paying less later on, or you may end up paying more. In general, you can get a lower rate at the start with these loans than you would with a fixed-rate mortgage, though there is a good chance your payments will increase later on.</p>\n<p>In general, an adjustable-rate mortgage tends to be riskier, but it can work fairly well with a shorter-term mortgage (15 to 20 years). A fixed-rate loan is more stable and predictable, but may end up costing you more if interest rates are high when you apply.</p>\n<p>There are hybrid loans available as well. In these, you start with a fixed rate for a set number of years, and after that point, the loan converts to an adjustable rate.</p>\n<h2 class=\"headline\">Understand Your Mortgage Terms and Options</h2>\n<p>There are many options when it comes to applying for a mortgage. Conventional fixed- and adjustable-rate loans are fairly straightforward: you pay off the principal and interest each month over the life of the loan, which is often between 15-30 years.</p>\n<p>When deciding on the type of mortgage you should apply for, it’s important to take your financial situation, credit score, and local market into account. Your banker can help you determine exactly what will work best for you.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<div class=\"make-primary-button\"><a href=../../_/financial-calculators/mortgage-calculator/_/index.html title=\"Calculate Your Home Buying Budget\">Calculate Your Home Buying Budget</a></div>\n<div class=\"make-primary-button\"><a rel=\"noopener\" href=../../_/our-company/meet-the-teams/mortgage-bankers/_/index.html target=\"_blank\" title=\"Mortgage Bankers\" data-gc-link=\"\">Connect With A Mortgage Expert</a></div>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<p><em>Original Publish Date: December 28, 2021<br><strong>Article Revised: December 20, 2023</strong></em><br><br></p>","Archive":{"Date":"2023-12-01T00:00:00","Month":"December","Year":2023,"Slug":"december-2023","Name":"December 2023"},"IndexId":1352,"CardImage":{"Id":2299,"Name":"Shutterstock 1716569524","Alt":"Shutterstock 1716569524","MediaHeight":1733,"MediaWidth":2600,"MediaUrl":"/media/logf5u0j/shutterstock_1716569524.jpg","CropHeight":200,"CropWidth":400,"CropUrl":"/media/logf5u0j/shutterstock_1716569524.jpg?rxy=0.37286840221980594,0.4645475416447236&width=400&height=200&v=1da3e6988489fc0&format=webp","WebpFormat":true,"NoCrop":false,"VerticalFocalPoint":46.0,"HorizontalFocalPoint":37.0},"CardImgTag":"<img class=\"lazyload\" style=\"object-position: 37% 46%;\" width=\"400\" height=\"200\"data-src=\"/media/logf5u0j/shutterstock_1716569524.jpg?rxy=0.37286840221980594,0.4645475416447236&width=400&height=200&v=1da3e6988489fc0&format=webp&quality=80\" alt=\"Shutterstock 1716569524\" />","Headline":"How to Get a Home Loan: What You Need to Know Before You Apply","Standfirst":"Learn everything you need to know before applying for a mortgage. You'll be set with these essential insights on securing a home loan.","CardDescription":"Learn everything you need to know before applying for a mortgage. You'll be set with these essential insights on securing a home loan.","Category":{"Name":"Mortgage","Id":1872,"Slug":"mortgage-1872","HasCategory":true},"PublishDate":"2023-12-20T00:00:00Z","PublishDateString":"December 20, 2023","Id":1824,"Url":"/resources/learning-center/how-to-get-a-home-loan-what-you-need-to-know-before-you-apply/","CardLinkText":"Learn More","HasArticle":true},{"Keywords":["and","babysitter \ncoworkers","coach","easy","fast","fellow","how","like","mom","money","people","pta","receive","safe","safely","send","soccer","sons","trust","way","with","you","your","zelle®"],"BannerImage":{"Id":1876,"Name":"Photo Park Party 2","Alt":"Photo Park Party 2","MediaHeight":1768,"MediaWidth":2600,"MediaUrl":"/media/shhliklx/photo_park_party_2.jpg","CropHeight":350,"CropWidth":950,"CropUrl":"/media/shhliklx/photo_park_party_2.jpg?width=950&height=350&v=1da31da72f1c610&format=webp","WebpFormat":true,"NoCrop":false,"VerticalFocalPoint":50.0,"HorizontalFocalPoint":50.0},"ContentHTML":"<p>Whether you just enrolled with Zelle® or have been an active user for a while, there are a few tips you should always keep in mind to ensure you are being safe when sending money.&nbsp;</p>\n<p><strong>Only send money to those you know and trust&nbsp;</strong><br>Money moves fast with Zelle®, directly from your First Bank and Trust Company checking account to a friend or family's checking account within minutes, * so it’s important you know and trust the people you’re sending money to. Why? Because you can’t cancel a payment once it’s been sent if the recipient is already enrolled with Zelle®. And if you send money to someone in advance for a product or service you don’t end up receiving, you may not get your money back.<br><br><strong>Beware of payment scams&nbsp;</strong><br>If you receive a call from someone threatening a negative action, such as fraud on your account or utilities being shut off, unless you make a payment with Zelle®, slow down and think it through. This might be a scam. Scammers use fear and urgency to get people to act on impulse rather than reason. Also, keep in mind that no one from First Bank and Trust Company will ever ask you to send money with Zelle® as a test or to avoid a fraud event.&nbsp;<br><br>Another example of a payment scam is buying event tickets from a stranger at a price that seems too good to be true and then never receiving them. If the seller asks you to use Zelle® to purchase the tickets, you should refuse unless the seller is someone you personally know and trust.&nbsp;<br><br>Neither First Bank and Trust Company nor Zelle® offers purchase protection for payments made with Zelle® – for example, if you do not receive the item you paid for, or the item is not as described or as you expected.</p>\n<p><strong>Treat Zelle® like cash&nbsp;</strong><br>Did your friend change phone numbers recently? It’s easy for people to change their phone&nbsp;number or email address. Always make sure the name that appears on the confirmation screen matches the intended recipient. When in doubt, contact the recipient to verify the U.S. mobile number or email address they used to enroll with Zelle® before you hit “Send.”<br><br>Remember, if a person has already enrolled with Zelle®, you can’t cancel the transaction, so it’s important you get it right the first time. If you send money to the wrong person, it’s like handing cash to a stranger.<br><br>For more information and videos on how to use Zelle® safely, visit “<a rel=\"noopener\" href=../../_https_/ target=\"_blank\" title=\"Zelle® Pay It Safe Education Center\">How to Pay it Safe with Zelle®</a>.”<br><br><em>* U.S. checking or savings account required to use Zelle®. Transactions between enrolled users typically occur in </em><em>minutes.</em><br><br><em>Zelle® and the Zelle® marks are property of Early Warning Services, LLC and are used herein under license.</em></p>","Archive":{"Date":"2023-12-01T00:00:00","Month":"December","Year":2023,"Slug":"december-2023","Name":"December 2023"},"IndexId":1352,"CardImage":{"Id":1876,"Name":"Photo Park Party 2","Alt":"Photo Park Party 2","MediaHeight":1768,"MediaWidth":2600,"MediaUrl":"/media/shhliklx/photo_park_party_2.jpg","CropHeight":200,"CropWidth":400,"CropUrl":"/media/shhliklx/photo_park_party_2.jpg?width=400&height=200&v=1da31da72f1c610&format=webp","WebpFormat":true,"NoCrop":false,"VerticalFocalPoint":50.0,"HorizontalFocalPoint":50.0},"CardImgTag":"<img class=\"lazyload\" width=\"400\" height=\"200\"data-src=\"/media/shhliklx/photo_park_party_2.jpg?width=400&height=200&v=1da31da72f1c610&format=webp&quality=80\" alt=\"Photo Park Party 2\" />","Headline":"How to Send Money with Zelle® Safely","Standfirst":"Zelle® is a fast, safe and easy way to send and receive money with people you trust, like your babysitter, \ncoworkers, fellow PTA mom, or your son’s soccer coach.","CardDescription":"Zelle® is a fast, safe and easy way to send and receive money with people you trust, like your babysitter, \ncoworkers, fellow PTA mom, or your son’s soccer c...","Category":{"Name":"Fraud and Security","Id":2260,"Slug":"fraud-and-security-2260","HasCategory":true},"PublishDate":"2023-12-18T00:00:00Z","PublishDateString":"December 18, 2023","Id":1878,"Url":"/resources/learning-center/how-to-send-money-with-zelle-safely/","CardLinkText":"Learn More","HasArticle":true},{"Keywords":["101","and","application","applications","apply","approve","cannot","consider","credit","crucial","determining","factors","for","importance","lenders","looking","mortgage","most","not","one","overstated","reports","score","scores","the","understanding","when","whether","your","youre"],"BannerImage":{"Id":2063,"Name":"Insurance Agent And Young Couple Using Laptop Duri 2023 11 27 05 18 32 Utc","Alt":"Insurance Agent And Young Couple Using Laptop","MediaHeight":800,"MediaWidth":1200,"MediaUrl":"/media/twrdtxcj/insurance-agent-and-young-couple-using-laptop-duri-2023-11-27-05-18-32-utc.jpg","CropHeight":350,"CropWidth":950,"CropUrl":"/media/twrdtxcj/insurance-agent-and-young-couple-using-laptop-duri-2023-11-27-05-18-32-utc.jpg?width=950&height=350&v=1da42710c4272f0&format=webp","WebpFormat":true,"NoCrop":false,"VerticalFocalPoint":50.0,"HorizontalFocalPoint":50.0},"ContentHTML":"<p>When you're looking to apply for a mortgage, the importance of your credit cannot be overstated. Lenders consider your credit score as one of the most crucial factors in determining whether or not to approve your mortgage application.</p>\n<h2 class=\"headline\">What is a Credit Report?</h2>\n<p> defines a credit report as a comprehensive record of credit-related activities. This means the three credit reporting agencies (Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion) collect information from businesses that lend to you. These credit agencies report on items such as:</p>\n<ul>\n<li data-gc-list-depth=\"1\" data-gc-list-style=\"bullet\">the date a loan began</li>\n<li data-gc-list-depth=\"1\" data-gc-list-style=\"bullet\">the original amount of a loan</li>\n<li data-gc-list-depth=\"1\" data-gc-list-style=\"bullet\">current balance</li>\n<li data-gc-list-depth=\"1\" data-gc-list-style=\"bullet\">current payment history</li>\n</ul>\n<p>This information is reported to any of the three credit reporting agencies and is formulated into an organized list that reflects your borrowing activity.</p>\n<h2 class=\"headline\">Where does my credit score come from?</h2>\n<p>The information from your credit report feeds into a mathematical formula that analyzes your information and generates a score. This score indicates how likely you are to pay your bills and debts in the future. The mathematical formulas for each credit reporting agency are different; therefore, your scores may vary from one agency to another. However, according to <strong></strong>, credit scoring information is weighted as follows:</p>\n<p>A mortgage lender will request your report and score from each credit reporting agency and then use the middle of the three scores as the primary score for lending eligibility. For instance, if Experian reports a score of 683, Equifax reports a score of 672, and TransUnion reports a score of 658, the lender will use the middle score of 672 as the primary score for lending eligibility.</p>\n<h2 class=\"headline\">What does my credit score have to be to get a mortgage?</h2>\n<p>When it comes to getting a mortgage, people often wonder what their credit score needs to be. FICO scores, which range from 300 to 850, determine your creditworthiness. Generally, the higher your credit score, the better. However, there is no single magic number that guarantees approval.</p>\n<p>To answer the question with a number, 640 is a good score for most mortgage lending situations. But keep in mind that your mortgage lender and the type of mortgage you choose will determine the minimum credit score required. Government loans do not have a minimum credit score requirement, but a lender may set a minimum to mitigate risk. For low down payment conventional loans, the minimum credit score required may be higher than 640.</p>\n<p>It's important to note that credit score is just one-factor lenders consider when determining mortgage eligibility. Even with a great credit score, you may not automatically be approved for a mortgage. Lenders will review your entire credit report to assess your overall creditworthiness.</p>\n<h2 class=\"headline\">Can I improve or maintain a good credit score?</h2>\n<p>Yes! Practice good credit habits each month by doing the following:</p>\n<p><strong>1.</strong> Always pay your bills on time every month.</p>\n<p><strong>2.</strong> Do not borrow the maximum amount on your credit cards. For example, if your credit card limit is $2500, it's best not to borrow more than half of that, and make sure to pay it back on time.</p>\n<p><strong>3.</strong> Keep your credit balances low and try to limit the number of creditors you have on your credit report.</p>\n<p><strong>4.</strong> Instead of moving debt around, pay it off as soon as possible.</p>\n<h3 class=\"headline\">If you want to improve your credit score, follow these tips:</h3>\n<ul>\n<li data-gc-list-depth=\"1\" data-gc-list-style=\"bullet\">Pay down any accounts that are near their maximum borrowing limit.</li>\n<li data-gc-list-depth=\"1\" data-gc-list-style=\"bullet\">Identify what's bringing your score down, such as collections, judgments, or charge-offs, and work to resolve them.</li>\n<li data-gc-list-depth=\"1\" data-gc-list-style=\"bullet\">Check for errors on your report, such as accounts that aren't yours or inaccurate reporting, and contact the company responsible to request a correction.</li>\n<li data-gc-list-depth=\"1\" data-gc-list-style=\"bullet\">If you've had a bankruptcy, foreclosure, or both, you'll need to wait until the time limit has passed before you're eligible for a mortgage. It's also important to check your credit report for correct reporting of the event.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>Credit reports and credit scores can be complex, but it's essential to manage them instead of letting them dictate your financial life. At First Bank and Trust Company, we understand that you are more than just a credit score, and we strive to serve your individual needs. Our mortgage loan originators are knowledgeable in credit and the entire mortgage process, and we're here to help you with your home purchase, construction, or refinancing. We listen to your unique needs and use our expertise to support you throughout the process.</p>\n<div class=\"make-primary-button\"><a rel=\"noopener\" href=../../_https_/;_ga=2.91620701.610005873.1704207294-1781014687.1701881532\%22 target=\"_blank\">Apply for a Mortgage</a></div>\n<div class=\"make-primary-button\"><a href=../../_/personal/mobile-and-online-banking/credit-score/_/index.html title=\"Credit Score\">Access Your Free Credit Score</a></div>","Archive":{"Date":"2023-12-01T00:00:00","Month":"December","Year":2023,"Slug":"december-2023","Name":"December 2023"},"IndexId":1352,"CardImage":{"Id":2063,"Name":"Insurance Agent And Young Couple Using Laptop Duri 2023 11 27 05 18 32 Utc","Alt":"Insurance Agent And Young Couple Using Laptop","MediaHeight":800,"MediaWidth":1200,"MediaUrl":"/media/twrdtxcj/insurance-agent-and-young-couple-using-laptop-duri-2023-11-27-05-18-32-utc.jpg","CropHeight":200,"CropWidth":400,"CropUrl":"/media/twrdtxcj/insurance-agent-and-young-couple-using-laptop-duri-2023-11-27-05-18-32-utc.jpg?width=400&height=200&v=1da42710c4272f0&format=webp","WebpFormat":true,"NoCrop":false,"VerticalFocalPoint":50.0,"HorizontalFocalPoint":50.0},"CardImgTag":"<img class=\"lazyload\" width=\"400\" height=\"200\"data-src=\"/media/twrdtxcj/insurance-agent-and-young-couple-using-laptop-duri-2023-11-27-05-18-32-utc.jpg?width=400&height=200&v=1da42710c4272f0&format=webp&quality=80\" alt=\"Insurance Agent And Young Couple Using Laptop\" />","Headline":"Credit 101: Understanding Credit Reports and Scores for Mortgage Applications","Standfirst":"When you're looking to apply for a mortgage, the importance of your credit cannot be overstated. Lenders consider your credit score as one of the most crucial factors in determining whether or not to approve your mortgage application.","CardDescription":"When you're looking to apply for a mortgage, the importance of your credit cannot be overstated. Lenders consider your credit score as one of the most crucia...","Category":{"Name":"Financial Education","Id":1817,"Slug":"financial-education-1817","HasCategory":true},"PublishDate":"2023-12-12T00:00:00Z","PublishDateString":"December 12, 2023","Id":1354,"Url":"/resources/learning-center/credit-101-understanding-credit-reports-and-scores-for-mortgage-applications/","CardLinkText":"Learn More","HasArticle":true}],"Page":1,"PageSize":9,"TotalPages":3,"HasMoreResults":true},"ArticlesInSchema":[{"Keywords":["access","actors","and","basic","behaviors","confidential","configuration","cyber","cybersecurityaware","dont","family","following","gain","guidelines","help","home","implementing","information","internet","leverage","malicious","may","mitigations","network","not","observing","online","personal","practicing","private","protect","rules","safety","some","the","top","victim","what","work","your","yourself"],"BannerImage":{"Id":2526,"Name":"Shutterstock 539629225","Alt":"Shutterstock 539629225","MediaHeight":1735,"MediaWidth":2600,"MediaUrl":"/media/tzejl3ug/shutterstock_539629225.jpg","CropHeight":350,"CropWidth":950,"CropUrl":"/media/tzejl3ug/shutterstock_539629225.jpg?cc=0,0.27955485459684937,0,0.16842079324315826&width=950&height=350&v=1da6a87448a6260&format=webp","WebpFormat":true,"NoCrop":false,"VerticalFocalPoint":50.0,"HorizontalFocalPoint":50.0},"ContentHTML":"<p>Don't be a victim! Malicious cyber actors may leverage your home network to gain access to personal, private, and confidential information. Help protect yourself, your family, and your work by practicing cybersecurity-aware behaviors, observing some basic configuration guidelines, and implementing the following mitigations on your home network, including:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Upgrade and update all equipment and software regularly, including routing devices</li>\n<li>Exercise secure habits by backing up your data and disconnecting devices when connections are not needed</li>\n<li>Limit administration to the internal network only</li>\n</ul>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h2 class=\"headline\">Recommendations for device security</h2>\n<p>Electronic computing devices, including computers, laptops, printers, mobile phones, tablets, security cameras, home appliances, cars, and other “Internet of Things” (IoT) devices must all be secured to reduce the risk of compromise. Most home entertainment and utility devices, such as home monitoring systems, baby monitors, IoT de-vices, smart devices, Blu-ray players, streaming video players, and video game consoles, are capable of accessing the Internet, recording audio, and/or capturing video. Implementing security measures can ensure these devices don’t become the weak link in your home protection.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h2 class=\"headline\">Upgrade to a modern operating system and keep it up-to-date</h2>\n<p>The most recent version of any operating system (OS) contains security features not found in previous versions. Many of these security features are enabled by default and help prevent common attack vectors. Increase the difficulty for an adversary to gain privileged access by using the latest available and supported OS for desktops, laptops, and smart devices.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h2 class=\"headline\">Secure routing devices and keep them up-to-date</h2>\n<p>Your Internet Service Provider (ISP) may provide a modem/router as part of your service contract. To maximize administrative control over the routing and wireless features of your home network, consider using a personally owned routing device that connects to the ISP-provided modem/router. In addition, use modern router features to create a separate wireless network for guests, for network separation from your more trusted and private devices.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h2 class=\"headline\">Implement WPA3 or WPA2 on the wireless network</h2>\n<p>To keep your wireless communications confidential, ensure your person-al or ISP provided WAP is capable of Wi-Fi Protected Access 3 (WPA3). If you have devices on your network that do not support WPA3, you can select WPA2/3 instead. This allows newer devices to use the more secure method while still allowing older devices to connect to the network over WPA2.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h2 class=\"headline\">Implement wireless network segmentation</h2>\n<p>Leverage network segmentation on your home network to keep your wireless communication secure. At a minimum, your wireless network should be segmented between your primary Wi-Fi, guest Wi-Fi, and IoT network. This segmentation keeps less secure devices from directly communicating with your more secure devices.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h2 class=\"headline\">Employ firewall capabilities</h2>\n<p>Ensure that your personally owned routing device supports basic firewall capabilities. Verify that it includes network address translation (NAT) to prevent internal systems from being scanned through the network boundary.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h2 class=\"headline\">Leverage security software</h2>\n<p>Leverage security software that provides layered defense via anti-virus, anti-phishing, anti-malware, safe browsing, and firewall capabilities. The security suite may be built into the operating system or available to install as a separate product on computers, laptops, and tablets.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h2 class=\"headline\">Protect passwords</h2>\n<p>Ensure that passwords and answers to challenge questions are properly protected since they provide access to personal information. Passwords should be strong, unique for each account, and difficult to guess.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h2 class=\"headline\">Safeguard against eavesdropping</h2>\n<p>Be aware that home assistants and smart devices have microphones and are listening to conversations, even when you are not actively engaging with the device. If compromised, the adversary can eavesdrop on conversations. Limit sensitive conversations when you are near baby monitors, audio recording toys, home assistants, and smart devices. Consider muting their microphones when not in use. For devices with cameras (e.g., laptops, monitoring devices and toys) cover cameras when you are not using them. Disconnect Internet access if a device is not commonly used but be sure to update it when you do use it.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h2 class=\"headline\">Exercise secure user habits</h2>\n<p>To minimize ransomware risks, back up data on external drives or portable media. Disconnect and securely store external storage when not in use.<br><br></p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Source: <a href="https:/">u.s. Department of Defense</a></p>","Archive":{"Date":"2024-03-01T00:00:00","Month":"March","Year":2024,"Slug":"march-2024","Name":"March 2024"},"IndexId":1352,"CardImage":{"Id":2526,"Name":"Shutterstock 539629225","Alt":"Shutterstock 539629225","MediaHeight":1735,"MediaWidth":2600,"MediaUrl":"/media/tzejl3ug/shutterstock_539629225.jpg","CropHeight":200,"CropWidth":400,"CropUrl":"/media/tzejl3ug/shutterstock_539629225.jpg?width=400&height=200&v=1da6a87448a6260&format=webp","WebpFormat":true,"NoCrop":false,"VerticalFocalPoint":50.0,"HorizontalFocalPoint":50.0},"CardImgTag":"<img class=\"lazyload\" width=\"400\" height=\"200\"data-src=\"/media/tzejl3ug/shutterstock_539629225.jpg?width=400&height=200&v=1da6a87448a6260&format=webp&quality=80\" alt=\"Shutterstock 539629225\" />","Headline":"Top 10 Internet Safety Rules & What Not to Do Online","Standfirst":"Don't be a victim! Malicious cyber actors may leverage your home network to gain access to personal, private, and confidential information. Help protect yourself, your family, and your work by practicing cybersecurity-aware behaviors, observing some basic configuration guidelines, and implementing the following mitigations on your home network.","CardDescription":"Don't be a victim! Malicious cyber actors may leverage your home network to gain access to personal, private, and confidential information. Help protect your...","Category":{"Name":"Fraud and Security","Id":2260,"Slug":"fraud-and-security-2260","HasCategory":true},"PublishDate":"2024-03-01T00:00:00Z","PublishDateString":"March 1, 2024","Id":2524,"Url":"/resources/learning-center/top-10-internet-safety-rules-what-not-to-do-online/","CardLinkText":"Learn More","HasArticle":true},{"Keywords":["air","always","and","appealing","beware","can","cautious","dating","enhance","even","help","how","identify","important","knowing","life","love","may","navigate","not","online","put","remember","risk","romance","safeguard","scams","securely","seeking","seem","should","signs","steps","taking","that","the","though","when","world","you","your","yourself"],"BannerImage":{"Id":2510,"Name":"Positive Woman Using Smartphone In Cafe 2023 11 27 05 34 48 Utc","Alt":"Positive Woman Using Smartphone In Cafe 2023 11 27 05 34 48 Utc","MediaHeight":1735,"MediaWidth":2600,"MediaUrl":"/media/fvohkol3/positive-woman-using-smartphone-in-cafe-2023-11-27-05-34-48-utc.jpg","CropHeight":350,"CropWidth":950,"CropUrl":"/media/fvohkol3/positive-woman-using-smartphone-in-cafe-2023-11-27-05-34-48-utc.jpg?cc=0,0.17781687094669088,0,0.27015158439361425&width=950&height=350&v=1da5f5a83f83c70&format=webp","WebpFormat":true,"NoCrop":false,"VerticalFocalPoint":50.0,"HorizontalFocalPoint":50.0},"ContentHTML":"<p class=\"MsoNormal\">In the digital age, finding love is just a click away. With the rise of online dating platforms, meeting potential partners has never been easier. However, this convenience has given rise to a new threat – romance scammers. These scammers prey on unsuspecting individuals, promising love and companionship while ultimately leaving victims heartbroken and financially devastated.</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNormal\">&nbsp;</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNormal\"><img src=../../_/media/ixocdrrl/untitled-design-159594.html?rmode=max&amp;width=782&amp;height=391\%22 alt=\"\" width=\"782\" height=\"391\"></p>\n<h2 class=\"MsoNormal headline\"><strong>Understanding Romance Scams</strong></h2>\n<p class=\"MsoNormal\">Romance scams operate on the premise of false identities and fabricated relationships. Scammers create fake profiles, often with stolen photos and information, designed to entice their victims. These profiles may seem too good to be true, with an abundance of shared interests and an irresistible charm.</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNormal\">Once the scammer has initiated contact, they will work diligently to establish a close bond with their target. They shower them with compliments and affectionate messages, creating an illusion of a genuine connection. However, there's always a catch – and they delay meeting<strong> </strong>in person due to various excuses.</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNormal\">As the relationship progresses, the scammer will exploit their victim's emotions to solicit money. They develop<span style=\"font-size: 8.0pt; line-height: 107%;\"> </span>elaborate stories of financial hardship or urgent needs, tugging at the heartstrings of their unsuspecting target. Whether it's for travel expenses, medical emergencies, or debt relief, the request for money is always accompanied by promises of a future together.</p>\n<h2 class=\"MsoNormal headline\"><strong>Signs of a Romance Scam</strong></h2>\n<p class=\"MsoNormal\">Recognizing a romance scam early is crucial in protecting yourself from potential harm. Here are some red flags to watch out for:</p>\n<ul style=\"margin-top: 0in;\">\n<li class=\"MsoNormal\" style=\"mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1; tab-stops: list .5in;\"><strong>Unwillingness to Meet in Person:</strong> If your online partner consistently avoids face-to-face interactions or makes excuses for not meeting, proceed with caution.</li>\n<li class=\"MsoNormal\" style=\"mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1; tab-stops: list .5in;\"><strong>Requests for Money:</strong> Be wary of any requests for financial assistance, especially if they come early in the relationship or seem too urgent to be true.</li>\n<li class=\"MsoNormal\" style=\"mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1; tab-stops: list .5in;\"><strong>Inconsistencies in Stories:</strong> Pay attention to inconsistencies or discrepancies in their stories and background information.</li>\n<li class=\"MsoNormal\" style=\"mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1; tab-stops: list .5in;\"><strong>Pressure to Act Quickly:</strong> Scammers often create a sense of urgency, pressuring their victims to send money without taking the time to verify the situation.</li>\n</ul>\n<h2 class=\"MsoNormal headline\"><strong>Protect Yourself Against Romance Scams</strong></h2>\n<p class=\"MsoNormal\">If you suspect that you may be the target of a romance scam, here are some steps you can take to protect yourself:</p>\n<ul style=\"margin-top: 0in;\">\n<li class=\"MsoNormal\" style=\"mso-list: l1 level1 lfo2; tab-stops: list .5in;\"><strong>Slow Down and Ask Questions:</strong> Take a step back and assess the situation objectively. Don't hesitate to ask questions and seek clarification on any suspicious behavior.</li>\n<li class=\"MsoNormal\" style=\"mso-list: l1 level1 lfo2; tab-stops: list .5in;\"><strong>Conduct Research:</strong> Utilize online tools, such as Google Image Search, to verify the authenticity of their photos and information.</li>\n<li class=\"MsoNormal\" style=\"mso-list: l1 level1 lfo2; tab-stops: list .5in;\"><strong>Report Suspicious Activity:</strong> If you believe you've encountered a scammer, report them to the platform where you initially made contact. By doing so, you can help prevent others from falling victim to the same scam.</li>\n<li class=\"MsoNormal\" style=\"mso-list: l1 level1 lfo2; tab-stops: list .5in;\"><strong>Never Send Money:</strong> Under no circumstances should you send money to someone you've met online, especially if you have doubts about their intentions.</li>\n</ul>\n<p class=\"MsoNormal\">&nbsp;</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNormal\">It is important to be cautious when seeking love online, even though it may seem appealing. Knowing how to identify signs of romance scams and taking steps to safeguard yourself can help you navigate the world of online dating securely. Always remember that love should enhance your life, not put it at risk.</p>","Archive":{"Date":"2024-02-01T00:00:00","Month":"February","Year":2024,"Slug":"february-2024","Name":"February 2024"},"IndexId":1352,"CardImage":{"Id":2510,"Name":"Positive Woman Using Smartphone In Cafe 2023 11 27 05 34 48 Utc","Alt":"Positive Woman Using Smartphone In Cafe 2023 11 27 05 34 48 Utc","MediaHeight":1735,"MediaWidth":2600,"MediaUrl":"/media/fvohkol3/positive-woman-using-smartphone-in-cafe-2023-11-27-05-34-48-utc.jpg","CropHeight":200,"CropWidth":400,"CropUrl":"/media/fvohkol3/positive-woman-using-smartphone-in-cafe-2023-11-27-05-34-48-utc.jpg?cc=0,0.03766377745820834,0,0.2131505547893487&width=400&height=200&v=1da5f5a83f83c70&format=webp","WebpFormat":true,"NoCrop":false,"VerticalFocalPoint":50.0,"HorizontalFocalPoint":50.0},"CardImgTag":"<img class=\"lazyload\" width=\"400\" height=\"200\"data-src=\"/media/fvohkol3/positive-woman-using-smartphone-in-cafe-2023-11-27-05-34-48-utc.jpg?cc=0,0.03766377745820834,0,0.2131505547893487&width=400&height=200&v=1da5f5a83f83c70&format=webp&quality=80\" alt=\"Positive Woman Using Smartphone In Cafe 2023 11 27 05 34 48 Utc\" />","Headline":"Love is in the Air: Beware of Online Romance Scams","Standfirst":"It is important to be cautious when seeking love online, even though it may seem appealing. Knowing how to identify signs of romance scams and taking steps to safeguard yourself can help you navigate the world of online dating securely. Always remember that love should enhance your life, not put it at risk.","CardDescription":"It is important to be cautious when seeking love online, even though it may seem appealing. Knowing how to identify signs of romance scams and taking steps t...","Category":{"Name":"Fraud and Security","Id":2260,"Slug":"fraud-and-security-2260","HasCategory":true},"PublishDate":"2024-02-14T00:00:00Z","PublishDateString":"February 14, 2024","Id":2509,"Url":"/resources/learning-center/love-is-in-the-air-beware-of-online-romance-scams/","CardLinkText":"Learn More","HasArticle":true},{"Keywords":["and","announce","appointment","ashley","bank","company","first","jones","loan","morristown","officer","pleased","seal","tennessee","the","trust","welcomes"],"BannerImage":{"Id":2474,"Name":"New Hire Announcement Ashley Jones (400X200) (1)","Alt":"New Hire Announcement Ashley Jones (400X200) (1)","MediaHeight":400,"MediaWidth":800,"MediaUrl":"/media/jgsp3rky/new-hire-announcement_ashley-jones-400x200-1.png","CropHeight":350,"CropWidth":950,"CropUrl":"/media/jgsp3rky/new-hire-announcement_ashley-jones-400x200-1.png?cc=0,0.03386711122695104,0,0.2292907835098911&width=950&height=350&v=1da55409847ef50&format=webp","WebpFormat":true,"NoCrop":false,"VerticalFocalPoint":50.0,"HorizontalFocalPoint":50.0},"ContentHTML":"<p style=\"text-align: left;\">MORRISTOWN, Tenn., Jan.31, 2024 -- First Bank and Trust Company, a diversified financial services firm with assets of $3.14 billion, is pleased to announce the appointment of Ashley Seal Jones as a Loan Officer in Morristown, Tennessee.</p>\n<p style=\"text-align: left;\">&nbsp;</p>\n<p style=\"text-align: left;\"><img src=../../_/media/mcajt3c4/ashley-jones3d24.html?rmode=max&amp;width=299&amp;height=400\%22 alt=\"\" width=\"299\" height=\"400\">&nbsp; &nbsp;<img src=../../_/media/klvdydeu/david-slack3d24.html?rmode=max&amp;width=299&amp;height=400\%22 alt=\"\" width=\"299\" height=\"400\"></p>\n<p style=\"text-align: left;\"><em>&nbsp;Ashley Seal Jones, Loan Officer and David Slack, SVP/City Executive</em></p>\n<p style=\"text-align: left;\">&nbsp;</p>\n<p style=\"text-align: left;\">Jones has over 14 years of experience in the financial industry and has built a reputation for exceptional customer service and tailored financial solutions. In her new role at First Bank and Trust Company, she will offer customized mortgage and commercial lending solutions in Morristown and the surrounding market areas.</p>\n<p style=\"text-align: left;\">“First Bank and Trust Company is extremely excited to have Ashley join us here in Morristown as a Loan Officer. Her primary specialty is Mortgage Loans, and her vast experience in this field will make her a tremendous asset. She will back up the office on Commercial Loans and has many contacts throughout the bank’s footprint. Ashley is ready to make an impact, and she is eager to start taking calls as well as being involved in the community,” stated David E. Slack, Senior Vice President and City Executive.</p>\n<p style=\"text-align: left;\">Jones's passion for serving others led her to pursue a career in lending and finance. Her approach to building customer relationships has remained consistent throughout her career, even as the industry has evolved. Jones's approach to customer service sets her apart from others in the industry. “I strive to find common ground with people, make them feel at ease, and prioritize their needs. I believe in displaying humility in creating realistic solutions to help my customers grow financially,” stated Jones.&nbsp;</p>\n<p style=\"text-align: left;\">Jones proactively gives back to her community by supporting small businesses and participating in local food drives, such as Second Harvest of East Tennessee and Meals on Wheels, among many others. She is also a proud member of the Morristown Chamber of Commerce.</p>\n<p style=\"text-align: left;\">First Bank and Trust Company is known for offering competitive products and services to the community while maintaining a friendly, personable, and welcoming environment. Ashley Seal Jones's appointment as a Loan Officer will reinforce the bank's commitment to providing exceptional service to Morristown and the surrounding communities.</p>\n<p style=\"text-align: left;\">&nbsp;</p>\n<p style=\"text-align: left;\"><img src=../../_/media/vmxfpny3/branch-25-morristown-lpo68fe.html?rmode=max&amp;width=448&amp;height=336\%22 alt=\"\" width=\"448\" height=\"336\"></p>\n<p style=\"text-align: left;\"><em>First Bank and Trust Company Loan Production Office in Morristown, TN</em></p>\n<p style=\"text-align: left;\">&nbsp;</p>\n<p style=\"text-align: left;\">Jones's office is located at 910 W First North St. in Morristown, Tennessee. She may be reached at&nbsp;<a or by calling (423) 200-4303<a href=../../_/(423)%20200-4303/___/a_._/p_/n_p/index.html style=\"text-align: left;\">&nbsp;</p>\n<h2 class=\"headline\" style=\"text-align: left;\">About First Bank and Trust Company</h2>\n<p style=\"text-align: left;\"><br>First Bank and Trust Company, one of the top community banks in the United States, is a diversified financial services firm with office locations throughout southwest Virginia and the state’s Blue Ridge and Shenandoah Valleys. First Bank and Trust Company also operates throughout northeast Tennessee and North Carolina. Financial solutions are addressed by offering free checking products for personal and business accounts, savings, money markets, and time deposit accounts. Lending solutions are managed by mortgage, agricultural, and commercial lending divisions. Comprehensive wealth management solutions are available through trust and brokerage service representatives.&nbsp;</p>\n<p style=\"text-align: left;\">For more information, visit <a href=../../_/our-company/who-we-are/__Who/index.html We Are | First Bank &amp; Trust Company</a>&nbsp;or contact Kaitlyn Widner at <a style=\"text-align: left;\">SOURCE First Bank and Trust Company</p>","Archive":{"Date":"2024-01-01T00:00:00","Month":"January","Year":2024,"Slug":"january-2024","Name":"January 2024"},"IndexId":1352,"CardImage":{"Id":2474,"Name":"New Hire Announcement Ashley Jones (400X200) (1)","Alt":"New Hire Announcement Ashley Jones (400X200) (1)","MediaHeight":400,"MediaWidth":800,"MediaUrl":"/media/jgsp3rky/new-hire-announcement_ashley-jones-400x200-1.png","CropHeight":200,"CropWidth":400,"CropUrl":"/media/jgsp3rky/new-hire-announcement_ashley-jones-400x200-1.png?width=400&height=200&v=1da55409847ef50&format=webp","WebpFormat":true,"NoCrop":false,"VerticalFocalPoint":50.0,"HorizontalFocalPoint":50.0},"CardImgTag":"<img class=\"lazyload\" width=\"400\" height=\"200\"data-src=\"/media/jgsp3rky/new-hire-announcement_ashley-jones-400x200-1.png?width=400&height=200&v=1da55409847ef50&format=webp&quality=80\" alt=\"New Hire Announcement Ashley Jones (400X200) (1)\" />","Headline":"First Bank and Trust Company Welcomes Ashley Seal Jones","Standfirst":"First Bank and Trust Company is pleased to announce the appointment of Ashley Seal Jones as a Loan Officer in Morristown, Tennessee.","CardDescription":"First Bank and Trust Company is pleased to announce the appointment of Ashley Seal Jones as a Loan Officer in Morristown, Tennessee.","Category":{"Name":"News","Id":1350,"Slug":"news-1350","HasCategory":true},"PublishDate":"2024-01-31T00:00:00Z","PublishDateString":"January 31, 2024","Id":2473,"Url":"/resources/learning-center/first-bank-and-trust-company-welcomes-ashley-seal-jones/","CardLinkText":"Learn More","HasArticle":true},{"Keywords":["170","allnew","and","are","bank","company","customers","enhance","experience","explore","first","have","introduce","new","our","over","pages","strides","taken","the","thrilled","trust","user","website","with","your"],"BannerImage":{"Id":2427,"Name":"Shutterstock 2129816243","Alt":"Shutterstock 2129816243","MediaHeight":1735,"MediaWidth":2600,"MediaUrl":"/media/iitlhpxn/shutterstock_2129816243.jpg","CropHeight":350,"CropWidth":950,"CropUrl":"/media/iitlhpxn/shutterstock_2129816243.jpg?width=950&height=350&v=1da401c38047890&format=webp","WebpFormat":true,"NoCrop":false,"VerticalFocalPoint":50.0,"HorizontalFocalPoint":50.0},"ContentHTML":"<p>Designed with you in mind, the new, custom First Bank and Trust Company branded website reflects our commitment to providing you with an exceptional, one-of-a-kind banking experience with the tools and resources to help you manage your financial life with ease and convenience.</p>\n<h2 class=\"headline\">Main Navigation</h2>\n<p>With the expanded sitemap, you can now effortlessly navigate through our enhanced website menu and immerse yourself in pages tailored to your unique financial interests. Whether you're diving into <a href=../../_/personal/mobile-and-online-banking/_/index.html title=\"Mobile and Online Banking\">digital banking features</a>, <a href=../../_/personal/personal-banking/checking-accounts/_/index.html title=\"Checking Accounts\">comparing checking accounts</a>, exploring&nbsp;<a href=../../_/business-commercial/solutions/_/index.html title=\"Solutions\">business solutions</a> for your <a href=../../_/business-commercial/solutions/solutions-by-industry/_/index.html title=\"Solutions by Industry\">specific industry</a>, <a href=../../_/agriculture/loans/_/index.html title=\"Tailored Loan Solutions for Your Operation\">growing agricultural operations</a>, taking a step towards <a href=../../_/mortgage/buy/_/index.html title=\"Buy\">purchasing your dream home</a>, or gearing up to <a href=../../_/wealth-management/investing/_/index.html title=\"Investing\">invest in your future</a> – we provide the information and resources to guide your journey. You can also take advantage of the search feature to assist in your navigation of the new website.</p>\n<div class=\"mceNonEditable embeditem\" data-embed-url=\"\" data-embed-height=\"300\" data-embed-width=\"600\" data-embed-constrain=\"true\"><iframe width=\"533\" height=\"300\" src=../../_https_/\%22 frameborder=\"0\" allow=\"accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share\" allowfullscreen=\"allowfullscreen\" title=\"New Website - Overview of the Primary Menu\"></iframe></div>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<p><!-- [if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--><!--[endif]-->The main menu also includes access to&nbsp;<a rel=\"noopener\" href=../../_https_/ target=\"_blank\">Log In to Online Banking</a>. Customers can log in to their accounts from any page of the website by locating the red Log In button in the top right corner of the website. The Log In button also features a dropdown for log-in access for Trust Customers, Remote Deposit Capture, Merchant, and 401 K Services.</p>\n<div class=\"mceNonEditable embeditem\" data-embed-url=\"\" data-embed-height=\"300\" data-embed-width=\"600\" data-embed-constrain=\"true\"><iframe width=\"533\" height=\"300\" src=../../_https_/\%22 frameborder=\"0\" allow=\"accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share\" allowfullscreen=\"allowfullscreen\" title=\"New Website - Access to the Online Banking Login\"></iframe></div>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h2 class=\"headline\">Quick Navigation</h2>\n<p>The resource menu is designed to make finding a location or contacting our support team quick and easy. Additionally, we have a dedicated security page to keep you abreast of fraud alerts and trends, and tools and solutions to keep your accounts protected from the bad guys. We have also added a Customer Feedback form so you can let us know how we are doing. The quick navigation menu, appearing in gray, also contains Spanish translation. This addition is not just about reaching a wider audience; it's about fostering inclusivity and making financial information accessible to everyone, regardless of their primary language.&nbsp;&nbsp;<!--[endif]--></p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<div class=\"mceNonEditable embeditem\" data-embed-url=\"\" data-embed-height=\"300\" data-embed-width=\"600\" data-embed-constrain=\"false\"><iframe width=\"533\" height=\"300\" src=../../_https_/\%22 frameborder=\"0\" allow=\"accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share\" allowfullscreen=\"allowfullscreen\" title=\"New Website - Overview of the Utility Menu\"></iframe></div>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h2 class=\"headline\"><a href=../../_/resources/learning-center/_/index.html title=\"Learning Center\">Learning Center</a></h2>\n<p>As your financial partner, it's crucial for us to keep you informed with trustworthy resources you can count on. If you're seeking more information on a specific topic, head over to our new Learning Center to find blog articles on relevant subjects. Stay up to date with fraud trends by accessing our monthly security newsletter, access financial education articles, keep up with the latest bank news, or check-in for announcements regarding our latest technology enhancements within our digital banking platform.</p>\n<h2 class=\"headline\"><a href=../../_/financial-calculators/_/index.html title=\"Financial Calculators\">Financial Calculators</a></h2>\n<p>Financial decisions come down to the numbers. Run test calculations for home affordability, retirement income, net worth, Roth vs. Traditional IRA and more. Our new calculators are mobile friendly, so you can easily crunch numbers whenever and wherever it is most convenient for you.<br><br></p>\n<h2 class=\"headline\"><!--[endif]--><a href=../../_/our-company/meet-the-teams/_/index.html title=\"Meet The Teams\">Find A Local Banker</a></h2>\n<p>With the addition of our Teams section, you can easily discover our team of local experts and connect with a local lender in your area who is familiar with the market and understands your unique financial needs. Discover our full team of commercial lenders from the teams section or find your local bankers by viewing the page for your local branch.</p>\n<p><!--[endif]-->No matter how you choose to bank, we are built to support you. Whether you prefer a digital banking experience or want easy, clickable directions to visit a nearby branch, you can count on us to deliver the experience that best meets your needs.</p>","Archive":{"Date":"2024-01-01T00:00:00","Month":"January","Year":2024,"Slug":"january-2024","Name":"January 2024"},"IndexId":1352,"CardImage":{"Id":2427,"Name":"Shutterstock 2129816243","Alt":"Shutterstock 2129816243","MediaHeight":1735,"MediaWidth":2600,"MediaUrl":"/media/iitlhpxn/shutterstock_2129816243.jpg","CropHeight":200,"CropWidth":400,"CropUrl":"/media/iitlhpxn/shutterstock_2129816243.jpg?width=400&height=200&v=1da401c38047890&format=webp","WebpFormat":true,"NoCrop":false,"VerticalFocalPoint":50.0,"HorizontalFocalPoint":50.0},"CardImgTag":"<img class=\"lazyload\" width=\"400\" height=\"200\"data-src=\"/media/iitlhpxn/shutterstock_2129816243.jpg?width=400&height=200&v=1da401c38047890&format=webp&quality=80\" alt=\"Shutterstock 2129816243\" />","Headline":"Explore The New Website","Standfirst":"We are thrilled to introduce our customers to the all-new First Bank and Trust Company website. With over 170 pages to explore, we have taken strides to enhance your website user experience.","CardDescription":"We are thrilled to introduce our customers to the all-new First Bank and Trust Company website. With over 170 pages to explore, we have taken strides to enha...","Category":{"Name":"Digital Banking","Id":1347,"Slug":"digital-banking-1347","HasCategory":true},"PublishDate":"2024-01-11T00:00:00Z","PublishDateString":"January 11, 2024","Id":2265,"Url":"/resources/learning-center/welcome-to-the-new-first-bank-and-trust-company-website/","CardLinkText":"Learn More","HasArticle":true},{"Keywords":["2023","affected","and","are","bec","businesses","check","cybersecurity","fraud","phishing","that","the","these","top","trends"],"BannerImage":{"Id":2458,"Name":"Shutterstock 1202221816","Alt":"Shutterstock 1202221816","MediaHeight":1733,"MediaWidth":2600,"MediaUrl":"/media/bn5ptpiz/shutterstock_1202221816.jpg","CropHeight":350,"CropWidth":950,"CropUrl":"/media/bn5ptpiz/shutterstock_1202221816.jpg?width=950&height=350&v=1da49585e423d40&format=webp","WebpFormat":true,"NoCrop":false,"VerticalFocalPoint":50.0,"HorizontalFocalPoint":50.0},"ContentHTML":"<p>Threat actors have been busy this year turning inboxes and mailboxes into fraud minefields. While phishing scams and check fraud have been around for years, the sharp rise in these fraud attempts highlights the need for organizations to remain vigilant and consider strengthening defenses to protect themselves against costly breaches.&nbsp;</p>\n<h2 class=\"headline\">Fraudsters are still going phishing to snare victims</h2>\n<p>Phishing is a form of social engineering used to harvest sensitive information, from which they can determine how to further exploit the victims. Cybercriminals exploit our inherent helpfulness and trustworthiness through these types of fraud attempts, which is why they’re so successful.</p>\n<p>Most people are aware of phishing scams – we’ve heard about them on the news, social media, and cybersecurity training. Despite this awareness, a 2022 Verizon report found that 82% of reported breaches involve the human element. Additionally, though the report found that just 2.9% of phishing emails were clicked on, these breaches could lead to more than 33 million accounts being compromised.<br>The financial consequence of a successful data breach is another reason phishing can be so dangerous. Data breaches resulting from successful phishing attempts averaged $4.91 million globally in 2022, making it one of the most expensive forms of fraud.</p>\n<h3 class=\"headline\">Think before you click to help avoid phishing scams:</h3>\n<ul>\n<li>Never click links or open attachments from unknown senders or suspicious emails.</li>\n<li>Hover over URLs in emails to check the link before clicking on it.</li>\n<li>Don’t assume a branded email is safe – fraudsters can mimic logos.</li>\n<li>Watch out for urgent, demanding, or threatening requests.</li>\n<li>Check for brand indicators for message identification (BIMI), which indicate an email is validated and trusted.</li>\n<li>Develop a robust data recovery and protection plan to minimize the damage of a breach.</li>\n</ul>\n<h2 class=\"headline\">Business email compromise is costing companies big money</h2>\n<p>There’s a reason why the FBI says business email compromise (BEC) was one of the costliest forms of&nbsp;<br>cyberattacks.</p>\n<p>BEC is a form of phishing that targets employees by impersonating vendors or leadership members and requesting employees take some financial action. Victims of BEC might find themselves on the receiving end of a seemingly innocent email from a vendor asking them to update bank account information or submit an invoice to a new entity. The fraudster might have compromised the vendor’s email account or, more likely, have made minor, easy-to-miss adjustments to the known email address.</p>\n<p>Often, because the business originated the payment, these funds result in a loss that can only sometimes be recovered. When compromised, an organization’s best chance to remedy a potentially devastating situation is to act fast.</p>\n<p>Employee training and an incident response and data recovery plan can increase your chances of catching a BEC attempt before it’s too late.&nbsp;</p>\n<h3 class=\"headline\">Verify requests and act fast to help protect against BEC:</h3>\n<ul>\n<li>Call vendor contacts or people within your organization at a known or confirmed number to verify any request to change invoicing or financial information, send payments to an unknown destination, or purchase gift cards.</li>\n<li>Be suspicious of changes in business practice, such as a known contact requesting you email them via a personal email address.</li>\n<li>Avoid responding quickly when an email requests you take urgent action.</li>\n<li>If you are a victim of business email compromise, immediately contact your bank and submit a claim to the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center.</li>\n</ul>\n<h2 class=\"headline\">Check fraud is on the rise – again</h2>\n<p>What’s old is new again as we look ahead to 2024. Despite predictions just a few years ago that check use would dwindle into nonexistence, individuals, businesses, and government entities continue to rely on checks. Cybercriminals have taken advantage of this fact in recent years, as evidenced by check fraud doubling in 2022. The financial ramifications of check fraud can be overwhelming: Check fraud lead to $24 billion in damages in 2023.</p>\n<p>Much like phishing scammers, bad actors committing check fraud rarely work alone. A black market has even emerged for stolen checks.&nbsp;</p>\n<p>While banks are required to return fraudulent funds in the case of check fraud, there is no set timeline for them to do so. Claims can drag on, leading customers to be without their funds for months.</p>\n<h3 class=\"headline\">Stay one step ahead of check fraudsters:</h3>\n<ul>\n<li>Leverage electronic payments whenever possible.</li>\n<li>Consider sending checks through UPS-certified mail or another tracked mail system.</li>\n<li>Bring checks to a post office instead of putting them in an outgoing mailbox.</li>\n<li>Depending on your bank, use available security measures to review checks and approve or decline them to help catch fraud early.</li>\n<li>Separate employee fiduciary duties within your organization, so the person writing the checks isn’t also responsible for cashing them and reconciling accounts.</li>\n</ul>\n<h2 class=\"headline\">Keep cybersecurity &amp; fraud prevention top of mind in 2024</h2>\n<p>The threat landscape is ever evolving, and how organizations can best protect themselves is constantly shifting. Despite the specific threats looming on the horizon, it is essential to remember that an overall cybersecurity and fraud prevention strategy should be a priority for organizations of every size.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Source: <a href=../../_https_/ &amp; Fraud Trends | Huntington Bank</a></p>","Archive":{"Date":"2024-01-01T00:00:00","Month":"January","Year":2024,"Slug":"january-2024","Name":"January 2024"},"IndexId":1352,"CardImage":{"Id":2458,"Name":"Shutterstock 1202221816","Alt":"Shutterstock 1202221816","MediaHeight":1733,"MediaWidth":2600,"MediaUrl":"/media/bn5ptpiz/shutterstock_1202221816.jpg","CropHeight":200,"CropWidth":400,"CropUrl":"/media/bn5ptpiz/shutterstock_1202221816.jpg?width=400&height=200&v=1da49585e423d40&format=webp","WebpFormat":true,"NoCrop":false,"VerticalFocalPoint":50.0,"HorizontalFocalPoint":50.0},"CardImgTag":"<img class=\"lazyload\" width=\"400\" height=\"200\"data-src=\"/media/bn5ptpiz/shutterstock_1202221816.jpg?width=400&height=200&v=1da49585e423d40&format=webp&quality=80\" alt=\"Shutterstock 1202221816\" />","Headline":"Phishing, BEC, and Check Fraud: The Top Fraud Trends in 2023","Standfirst":"These are the top cybersecurity and fraud trends that affected businesses in 2023.","CardDescription":"These are the top cybersecurity and fraud trends that affected businesses in 2023.","Category":{"Name":"Fraud and Security","Id":2260,"Slug":"fraud-and-security-2260","HasCategory":true},"PublishDate":"2024-01-01T00:00:00Z","PublishDateString":"January 1, 2024","Id":2459,"Url":"/resources/learning-center/phishing-bec-and-check-fraud-the-top-fraud-trends-in-2023/","CardLinkText":"Learn More","HasArticle":true},{"Keywords":["about","also","are","arent","but","careful","coming","crack","daily","despite","down","efforts","for","from","gateway","get","heres","how","information","keep","not","nuisance","only","personal","protect","read","robocallers","robocalls","scammers","your","yourself"],"BannerImage":{"Id":2460,"Name":"Shutterstock 2234880201","Alt":"Shutterstock 2234880201","MediaHeight":1733,"MediaWidth":2600,"MediaUrl":"/media/eutdofba/shutterstock_2234880201.jpg","CropHeight":350,"CropWidth":950,"CropUrl":"/media/eutdofba/shutterstock_2234880201.jpg?width=950&height=350&v=1da49648c382d20&format=webp","WebpFormat":true,"NoCrop":false,"VerticalFocalPoint":50.0,"HorizontalFocalPoint":50.0},"ContentHTML":"<p>Our phones keep ringing with unwanted robocalls. Washington said it was getting tough.</p>\n<p>So, what happened? Will those calls ever stop?&nbsp;</p>\n<h2 class=\"headline\">When the phone rings</h2>\n<p>When spammers call and call and call, apps like Robokiller block them.&nbsp;</p>\n<p>A month-by-month chart from Robokiller shows a robocall rollercoaster. Tall peaks and deep valleys repeat.</p>\n<p>This past summer, robocalls dipped from a high of almost 8 billion a month. It turns out, the Federal Communications Commission took legal action targeting some companies that make bulk robocalls.</p>\n<p>The FCC says its steps resulted in an “88% month-to-month drop in student loan scam robocalls,” plus a “99% drop in auto warranty scam robocalls.”</p>\n<p>And yet, our phones keep ringing. It’s like Whack-A-Mole. The crooks keep finding ways to circumvent the protections the FCC put up.</p>\n<p>For example, Robokiller says robocalls shot back up to about 6 billion in March – just a few months after the FCC’s victory lap.</p>\n<h2 class=\"headline\">So, what can you do?</h2>\n<p>Consumers can install a robocall blocker – for a fee. Robokiller is just one of many. You can get a free 7-day trial to test it out and see if it makes a difference for you.</p>\n<p>Or, you can check with your phone carrier. See if it offers a free blocker like T-Mobile’s “Scam Shield.” It identifies if a call is most likely to be a scam, and it’s 99% accurate.</p>\n<p>T-Mobile says it’s intercepting tons of spam calls. More than 40 billion spam calls on the T-Mobile network were blocked in 2022 alone.&nbsp;</p>\n<p>If an unknown call gets through, practice self-restraint. If you don’t recognize a number, don’t pick up. If you do pick up, and it’s not somebody you know, and you’re certain it’s not somebody you know, just hang up.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Source: <a href=../../_https_/ Keep Coming Despite Efforts to Crack Down. Here’s How to Protect Yourself – NBC Bay Area</a></p>","Archive":{"Date":"2024-01-01T00:00:00","Month":"January","Year":2024,"Slug":"january-2024","Name":"January 2024"},"IndexId":1352,"CardImage":{"Id":2460,"Name":"Shutterstock 2234880201","Alt":"Shutterstock 2234880201","MediaHeight":1733,"MediaWidth":2600,"MediaUrl":"/media/eutdofba/shutterstock_2234880201.jpg","CropHeight":200,"CropWidth":400,"CropUrl":"/media/eutdofba/shutterstock_2234880201.jpg?width=400&height=200&v=1da49648c382d20&format=webp","WebpFormat":true,"NoCrop":false,"VerticalFocalPoint":50.0,"HorizontalFocalPoint":50.0},"CardImgTag":"<img class=\"lazyload\" width=\"400\" height=\"200\"data-src=\"/media/eutdofba/shutterstock_2234880201.jpg?width=400&height=200&v=1da49648c382d20&format=webp&quality=80\" alt=\"Shutterstock 2234880201\" />","Headline":"Robocalls Keep Coming Despite Efforts to Crack Down. Here's How to Protect Yourself","Standfirst":"Robocalls are not only a daily nuisance, but also a gateway for scammers to get your personal information if we aren't careful. Read about how to protect yourself from Robocallers.","CardDescription":"Robocalls are not only a daily nuisance, but also a gateway for scammers to get your personal information if we aren't careful. Read about how to protect you...","Category":{"Name":"Fraud and Security","Id":2260,"Slug":"fraud-and-security-2260","HasCategory":true},"PublishDate":"2024-01-01T00:00:00Z","PublishDateString":"January 1, 2024","Id":2461,"Url":"/resources/learning-center/robocalls-keep-coming-despite-efforts-to-crack-down-heres-how-to-protect-yourself/","CardLinkText":"Learn More","HasArticle":true},{"Keywords":["apply","applying","before","essential","everything","for","get","home","how","insights","know","learn","loan","mortgage","need","securing","set","these","what","with","you","youll"],"BannerImage":{"Id":2299,"Name":"Shutterstock 1716569524","Alt":"Shutterstock 1716569524","MediaHeight":1733,"MediaWidth":2600,"MediaUrl":"/media/logf5u0j/shutterstock_1716569524.jpg","CropHeight":350,"CropWidth":950,"CropUrl":"/media/logf5u0j/shutterstock_1716569524.jpg?rxy=0.37286840221980594,0.4645475416447236&width=950&height=350&v=1da3e6988489fc0&format=webp","WebpFormat":true,"NoCrop":false,"VerticalFocalPoint":46.0,"HorizontalFocalPoint":37.0},"ContentHTML":"<p>Buying a new home is a big deal. To pay for one, you’ll likely need financial assistance, but the process of applying for a mortgage loan can overwhelm new homeowners. There are many factors involved, all of which will determine what impact a mortgage loan will have on your finances—not to mention your life in general.</p>\n<p>Here, we’ll go over some of the finer details that you should be aware of before applying for a mortgage.</p>\n<h2 class=\"headline\">Consider Your Credit Before You Apply For A Mortgage Loan</h2>\n<p>Before you apply for a mortgage loan, you need to know about credit and how your <a href=../../_/personal/mobile-and-online-banking/credit-score/_/index.html title=\"credit score\">credit score</a> will work for or against you.</p>\n<p>In general, your credit is made up of several components, including how much money you have borrowed and paid back in the past, how reliable you are at making payments, and other factors that are important for lenders to consider before considering you for a loan. These factors all go into your credit score, which is a numerical representation of your reputation as a borrower.</p>\n<p>If your credit score is below a certain level, it will be harder for you to get approved for a mortgage loan. If you do qualify for the loan, a lower credit score could mean a higher interest rate. Since it’s considered higher risk to lend to someone with a lower credit score, a higher interest rate on the loan is used to help cover that risk.</p>\n<p><strong>In general, any score above 720 is considered to be high, while a mid-high range is between 650 and 720. Anything below 650 will make it difficult to get approved for a mortgage loan. These ranges may vary depending on the lending institution you work with.</strong></p>\n<h2 class=\"headline\">Know Your Price Range For Buying A Home</h2>\n<p>Another important aspect of applying for a mortgage loan is how much house you can actually afford. This is determined by how much you earn versus the amount you pay toward the mortgage each month. <br><br>Try our home affordability calculator <a rel=\"noopener\" href=../../_/financial-calculators/home-affordability-calculator/_/index.html target=\"_blank\" title=\"Home Affordability Calculator\" data-gc-link=\"\">here</a>.</p>\n<p>Each loan is set to a specific timeframe, such as 30 years for a mortgage, and the loan has to be paid off within that period of time. That means a larger mortgage will have higher monthly payments to make sure it’s all paid off within the set life of the loan.</p>\n<p>If the monthly payments are too large in proportion with how much you earn, you may not get approved for the loan. The proportion of your debt to your income is called your debt-to-income ratio, and it’s calculated by dividing your expected monthly payments by your monthly income. This not only includes the mortgage, but also any current debts you have, such as auto loans, student loans, and credit card debt and so on.</p>\n<p>Most lenders go by a standard of 36% debt-to-income ratio as the absolute maximum, but some will go higher than that. Generally speaking, though, it’s best to borrow below that amount since it will make repayment easier.</p>\n<p><strong>How does your debt-to-income ratio (DTI) factor into your price range? </strong></p>\n<p>Simply put, the pricier the house, the more you’ll have to borrow to finance it. The larger the mortgage, the higher the payments. Ultimately, the house you can afford will depend on your ability to make monthly payments over the life of the loan.</p>\n<p><strong>It’s also important to note that just because you <em>can</em> afford a certain amount does not mean you <em>have to </em>get a loan for that full amount. </strong>You should keep your current and future financial goals in mind while considering just how much to spend on your home purchase.</p>\n<h2 class=\"headline\">Determine How Much You Need for a Down Payment</h2>\n<p>Another way that banks and other lenders will reduce the amount of risk they take on with mortgages is through down payments. A down payment is an upfront amount that you pay for the loan, and it’s represented as a percentage.</p>\n<p>Often, mortgages require a 10% to 20% down payment, but there are situations in which you may qualify for 100% financing, which means no down payment. The amount you borrow is the full value of the home.</p>\n<p>Naturally, a higher credit score will make it more likely that you’ll qualify for a low—or no—down payment, which can be good if you don’t have a lot of cash to cover the upfront cost.</p>\n<p>However, it can also be beneficial to make a large down payment if you are able to. This is because you essentially reduce the amount you borrow and can avoid PMI or Private Mortgage Insurance, thereby lowering monthly payments and the total amount of interest you pay over the course of the loan.</p>\n<h2 class=\"headline\">Learn the Difference Between Fixed-Rate and Adjustable-Rate Interest Loans</h2>\n<p>With all mortgages, you will end up paying interest in some form. This is a percentage of the loan payments that you will have to pay extra each month, so you want these rates to be as low as possible. There are two basic options when it comes to the rates you choose:</p>\n<p><strong>Fixed-rate mortgage loans</strong></p>\n<p>For a fixed-rate loan, you get a set interest rate right at the start and that rate is locked in for the life of the loan. This way, if market rates fluctuate, your loan payments don’t fluctuate with them, which can be good if it seems like they might go up in the near future. If you can lock in a low rate at the start, fixed-rate is usually the way to go.</p>\n<p><strong>Adjustable-rate mortgage loans</strong></p>\n<p>In an adjustable-rate mortgage, the interest you pay will fluctuate with the market, so you may end up paying less later on, or you may end up paying more. In general, you can get a lower rate at the start with these loans than you would with a fixed-rate mortgage, though there is a good chance your payments will increase later on.</p>\n<p>In general, an adjustable-rate mortgage tends to be riskier, but it can work fairly well with a shorter-term mortgage (15 to 20 years). A fixed-rate loan is more stable and predictable, but may end up costing you more if interest rates are high when you apply.</p>\n<p>There are hybrid loans available as well. In these, you start with a fixed rate for a set number of years, and after that point, the loan converts to an adjustable rate.</p>\n<h2 class=\"headline\">Understand Your Mortgage Terms and Options</h2>\n<p>There are many options when it comes to applying for a mortgage. Conventional fixed- and adjustable-rate loans are fairly straightforward: you pay off the principal and interest each month over the life of the loan, which is often between 15-30 years.</p>\n<p>When deciding on the type of mortgage you should apply for, it’s important to take your financial situation, credit score, and local market into account. Your banker can help you determine exactly what will work best for you.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<div class=\"make-primary-button\"><a href=../../_/financial-calculators/mortgage-calculator/_/index.html title=\"Calculate Your Home Buying Budget\">Calculate Your Home Buying Budget</a></div>\n<div class=\"make-primary-button\"><a rel=\"noopener\" href=../../_/our-company/meet-the-teams/mortgage-bankers/_/index.html target=\"_blank\" title=\"Mortgage Bankers\" data-gc-link=\"\">Connect With A Mortgage Expert</a></div>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<p><em>Original Publish Date: December 28, 2021<br><strong>Article Revised: December 20, 2023</strong></em><br><br></p>","Archive":{"Date":"2023-12-01T00:00:00","Month":"December","Year":2023,"Slug":"december-2023","Name":"December 2023"},"IndexId":1352,"CardImage":{"Id":2299,"Name":"Shutterstock 1716569524","Alt":"Shutterstock 1716569524","MediaHeight":1733,"MediaWidth":2600,"MediaUrl":"/media/logf5u0j/shutterstock_1716569524.jpg","CropHeight":200,"CropWidth":400,"CropUrl":"/media/logf5u0j/shutterstock_1716569524.jpg?rxy=0.37286840221980594,0.4645475416447236&width=400&height=200&v=1da3e6988489fc0&format=webp","WebpFormat":true,"NoCrop":false,"VerticalFocalPoint":46.0,"HorizontalFocalPoint":37.0},"CardImgTag":"<img class=\"lazyload\" style=\"object-position: 37% 46%;\" width=\"400\" height=\"200\"data-src=\"/media/logf5u0j/shutterstock_1716569524.jpg?rxy=0.37286840221980594,0.4645475416447236&width=400&height=200&v=1da3e6988489fc0&format=webp&quality=80\" alt=\"Shutterstock 1716569524\" />","Headline":"How to Get a Home Loan: What You Need to Know Before You Apply","Standfirst":"Learn everything you need to know before applying for a mortgage. You'll be set with these essential insights on securing a home loan.","CardDescription":"Learn everything you need to know before applying for a mortgage. You'll be set with these essential insights on securing a home loan.","Category":{"Name":"Mortgage","Id":1872,"Slug":"mortgage-1872","HasCategory":true},"PublishDate":"2023-12-20T00:00:00Z","PublishDateString":"December 20, 2023","Id":1824,"Url":"/resources/learning-center/how-to-get-a-home-loan-what-you-need-to-know-before-you-apply/","CardLinkText":"Learn More","HasArticle":true},{"Keywords":["and","babysitter \ncoworkers","coach","easy","fast","fellow","how","like","mom","money","people","pta","receive","safe","safely","send","soccer","sons","trust","way","with","you","your","zelle®"],"BannerImage":{"Id":1876,"Name":"Photo Park Party 2","Alt":"Photo Park Party 2","MediaHeight":1768,"MediaWidth":2600,"MediaUrl":"/media/shhliklx/photo_park_party_2.jpg","CropHeight":350,"CropWidth":950,"CropUrl":"/media/shhliklx/photo_park_party_2.jpg?width=950&height=350&v=1da31da72f1c610&format=webp","WebpFormat":true,"NoCrop":false,"VerticalFocalPoint":50.0,"HorizontalFocalPoint":50.0},"ContentHTML":"<p>Whether you just enrolled with Zelle® or have been an active user for a while, there are a few tips you should always keep in mind to ensure you are being safe when sending money.&nbsp;</p>\n<p><strong>Only send money to those you know and trust&nbsp;</strong><br>Money moves fast with Zelle®, directly from your First Bank and Trust Company checking account to a friend or family's checking account within minutes, * so it’s important you know and trust the people you’re sending money to. Why? Because you can’t cancel a payment once it’s been sent if the recipient is already enrolled with Zelle®. And if you send money to someone in advance for a product or service you don’t end up receiving, you may not get your money back.<br><br><strong>Beware of payment scams&nbsp;</strong><br>If you receive a call from someone threatening a negative action, such as fraud on your account or utilities being shut off, unless you make a payment with Zelle®, slow down and think it through. This might be a scam. Scammers use fear and urgency to get people to act on impulse rather than reason. Also, keep in mind that no one from First Bank and Trust Company will ever ask you to send money with Zelle® as a test or to avoid a fraud event.&nbsp;<br><br>Another example of a payment scam is buying event tickets from a stranger at a price that seems too good to be true and then never receiving them. If the seller asks you to use Zelle® to purchase the tickets, you should refuse unless the seller is someone you personally know and trust.&nbsp;<br><br>Neither First Bank and Trust Company nor Zelle® offers purchase protection for payments made with Zelle® – for example, if you do not receive the item you paid for, or the item is not as described or as you expected.</p>\n<p><strong>Treat Zelle® like cash&nbsp;</strong><br>Did your friend change phone numbers recently? It’s easy for people to change their phone&nbsp;number or email address. Always make sure the name that appears on the confirmation screen matches the intended recipient. When in doubt, contact the recipient to verify the U.S. mobile number or email address they used to enroll with Zelle® before you hit “Send.”<br><br>Remember, if a person has already enrolled with Zelle®, you can’t cancel the transaction, so it’s important you get it right the first time. If you send money to the wrong person, it’s like handing cash to a stranger.<br><br>For more information and videos on how to use Zelle® safely, visit “<a rel=\"noopener\" href=../../_https_/ target=\"_blank\" title=\"Zelle® Pay It Safe Education Center\">How to Pay it Safe with Zelle®</a>.”<br><br><em>* U.S. checking or savings account required to use Zelle®. Transactions between enrolled users typically occur in </em><em>minutes.</em><br><br><em>Zelle® and the Zelle® marks are property of Early Warning Services, LLC and are used herein under license.</em></p>","Archive":{"Date":"2023-12-01T00:00:00","Month":"December","Year":2023,"Slug":"december-2023","Name":"December 2023"},"IndexId":1352,"CardImage":{"Id":1876,"Name":"Photo Park Party 2","Alt":"Photo Park Party 2","MediaHeight":1768,"MediaWidth":2600,"MediaUrl":"/media/shhliklx/photo_park_party_2.jpg","CropHeight":200,"CropWidth":400,"CropUrl":"/media/shhliklx/photo_park_party_2.jpg?width=400&height=200&v=1da31da72f1c610&format=webp","WebpFormat":true,"NoCrop":false,"VerticalFocalPoint":50.0,"HorizontalFocalPoint":50.0},"CardImgTag":"<img class=\"lazyload\" width=\"400\" height=\"200\"data-src=\"/media/shhliklx/photo_park_party_2.jpg?width=400&height=200&v=1da31da72f1c610&format=webp&quality=80\" alt=\"Photo Park Party 2\" />","Headline":"How to Send Money with Zelle® Safely","Standfirst":"Zelle® is a fast, safe and easy way to send and receive money with people you trust, like your babysitter, \ncoworkers, fellow PTA mom, or your son’s soccer coach.","CardDescription":"Zelle® is a fast, safe and easy way to send and receive money with people you trust, like your babysitter, \ncoworkers, fellow PTA mom, or your son’s soccer c...","Category":{"Name":"Fraud and Security","Id":2260,"Slug":"fraud-and-security-2260","HasCategory":true},"PublishDate":"2023-12-18T00:00:00Z","PublishDateString":"December 18, 2023","Id":1878,"Url":"/resources/learning-center/how-to-send-money-with-zelle-safely/","CardLinkText":"Learn More","HasArticle":true},{"Keywords":["101","and","application","applications","apply","approve","cannot","consider","credit","crucial","determining","factors","for","importance","lenders","looking","mortgage","most","not","one","overstated","reports","score","scores","the","understanding","when","whether","your","youre"],"BannerImage":{"Id":2063,"Name":"Insurance Agent And Young Couple Using Laptop Duri 2023 11 27 05 18 32 Utc","Alt":"Insurance Agent And Young Couple Using Laptop","MediaHeight":800,"MediaWidth":1200,"MediaUrl":"/media/twrdtxcj/insurance-agent-and-young-couple-using-laptop-duri-2023-11-27-05-18-32-utc.jpg","CropHeight":350,"CropWidth":950,"CropUrl":"/media/twrdtxcj/insurance-agent-and-young-couple-using-laptop-duri-2023-11-27-05-18-32-utc.jpg?width=950&height=350&v=1da42710c4272f0&format=webp","WebpFormat":true,"NoCrop":false,"VerticalFocalPoint":50.0,"HorizontalFocalPoint":50.0},"ContentHTML":"<p>When you're looking to apply for a mortgage, the importance of your credit cannot be overstated. Lenders consider your credit score as one of the most crucial factors in determining whether or not to approve your mortgage application.</p>\n<h2 class=\"headline\">What is a Credit Report?</h2>\n<p> defines a credit report as a comprehensive record of credit-related activities. This means the three credit reporting agencies (Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion) collect information from businesses that lend to you. These credit agencies report on items such as:</p>\n<ul>\n<li data-gc-list-depth=\"1\" data-gc-list-style=\"bullet\">the date a loan began</li>\n<li data-gc-list-depth=\"1\" data-gc-list-style=\"bullet\">the original amount of a loan</li>\n<li data-gc-list-depth=\"1\" data-gc-list-style=\"bullet\">current balance</li>\n<li data-gc-list-depth=\"1\" data-gc-list-style=\"bullet\">current payment history</li>\n</ul>\n<p>This information is reported to any of the three credit reporting agencies and is formulated into an organized list that reflects your borrowing activity.</p>\n<h2 class=\"headline\">Where does my credit score come from?</h2>\n<p>The information from your credit report feeds into a mathematical formula that analyzes your information and generates a score. This score indicates how likely you are to pay your bills and debts in the future. The mathematical formulas for each credit reporting agency are different; therefore, your scores may vary from one agency to another. However, according to <strong></strong>, credit scoring information is weighted as follows:</p>\n<p>A mortgage lender will request your report and score from each credit reporting agency and then use the middle of the three scores as the primary score for lending eligibility. For instance, if Experian reports a score of 683, Equifax reports a score of 672, and TransUnion reports a score of 658, the lender will use the middle score of 672 as the primary score for lending eligibility.</p>\n<h2 class=\"headline\">What does my credit score have to be to get a mortgage?</h2>\n<p>When it comes to getting a mortgage, people often wonder what their credit score needs to be. FICO scores, which range from 300 to 850, determine your creditworthiness. Generally, the higher your credit score, the better. However, there is no single magic number that guarantees approval.</p>\n<p>To answer the question with a number, 640 is a good score for most mortgage lending situations. But keep in mind that your mortgage lender and the type of mortgage you choose will determine the minimum credit score required. Government loans do not have a minimum credit score requirement, but a lender may set a minimum to mitigate risk. For low down payment conventional loans, the minimum credit score required may be higher than 640.</p>\n<p>It's important to note that credit score is just one-factor lenders consider when determining mortgage eligibility. Even with a great credit score, you may not automatically be approved for a mortgage. Lenders will review your entire credit report to assess your overall creditworthiness.</p>\n<h2 class=\"headline\">Can I improve or maintain a good credit score?</h2>\n<p>Yes! Practice good credit habits each month by doing the following:</p>\n<p><strong>1.</strong> Always pay your bills on time every month.</p>\n<p><strong>2.</strong> Do not borrow the maximum amount on your credit cards. For example, if your credit card limit is $2500, it's best not to borrow more than half of that, and make sure to pay it back on time.</p>\n<p><strong>3.</strong> Keep your credit balances low and try to limit the number of creditors you have on your credit report.</p>\n<p><strong>4.</strong> Instead of moving debt around, pay it off as soon as possible.</p>\n<h3 class=\"headline\">If you want to improve your credit score, follow these tips:</h3>\n<ul>\n<li data-gc-list-depth=\"1\" data-gc-list-style=\"bullet\">Pay down any accounts that are near their maximum borrowing limit.</li>\n<li data-gc-list-depth=\"1\" data-gc-list-style=\"bullet\">Identify what's bringing your score down, such as collections, judgments, or charge-offs, and work to resolve them.</li>\n<li data-gc-list-depth=\"1\" data-gc-list-style=\"bullet\">Check for errors on your report, such as accounts that aren't yours or inaccurate reporting, and contact the company responsible to request a correction.</li>\n<li data-gc-list-depth=\"1\" data-gc-list-style=\"bullet\">If you've had a bankruptcy, foreclosure, or both, you'll need to wait until the time limit has passed before you're eligible for a mortgage. It's also important to check your credit report for correct reporting of the event.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>Credit reports and credit scores can be complex, but it's essential to manage them instead of letting them dictate your financial life. At First Bank and Trust Company, we understand that you are more than just a credit score, and we strive to serve your individual needs. Our mortgage loan originators are knowledgeable in credit and the entire mortgage process, and we're here to help you with your home purchase, construction, or refinancing. We listen to your unique needs and use our expertise to support you throughout the process.</p>\n<div class=\"make-primary-button\"><a rel=\"noopener\" href=../../_https_/;_ga=2.91620701.610005873.1704207294-1781014687.1701881532\%22 target=\"_blank\">Apply for a Mortgage</a></div>\n<div class=\"make-primary-button\"><a href=../../_/personal/mobile-and-online-banking/credit-score/_/index.html title=\"Credit Score\">Access Your Free Credit Score</a></div>","Archive":{"Date":"2023-12-01T00:00:00","Month":"December","Year":2023,"Slug":"december-2023","Name":"December 2023"},"IndexId":1352,"CardImage":{"Id":2063,"Name":"Insurance Agent And Young Couple Using Laptop Duri 2023 11 27 05 18 32 Utc","Alt":"Insurance Agent And Young Couple Using Laptop","MediaHeight":800,"MediaWidth":1200,"MediaUrl":"/media/twrdtxcj/insurance-agent-and-young-couple-using-laptop-duri-2023-11-27-05-18-32-utc.jpg","CropHeight":200,"CropWidth":400,"CropUrl":"/media/twrdtxcj/insurance-agent-and-young-couple-using-laptop-duri-2023-11-27-05-18-32-utc.jpg?width=400&height=200&v=1da42710c4272f0&format=webp","WebpFormat":true,"NoCrop":false,"VerticalFocalPoint":50.0,"HorizontalFocalPoint":50.0},"CardImgTag":"<img class=\"lazyload\" width=\"400\" height=\"200\"data-src=\"/media/twrdtxcj/insurance-agent-and-young-couple-using-laptop-duri-2023-11-27-05-18-32-utc.jpg?width=400&height=200&v=1da42710c4272f0&format=webp&quality=80\" alt=\"Insurance Agent And Young Couple Using Laptop\" />","Headline":"Credit 101: Understanding Credit Reports and Scores for Mortgage Applications","Standfirst":"When you're looking to apply for a mortgage, the importance of your credit cannot be overstated. Lenders consider your credit score as one of the most crucial factors in determining whether or not to approve your mortgage application.","CardDescription":"When you're looking to apply for a mortgage, the importance of your credit cannot be overstated. Lenders consider your credit score as one of the most crucia...","Category":{"Name":"Financial Education","Id":1817,"Slug":"financial-education-1817","HasCategory":true},"PublishDate":"2023-12-12T00:00:00Z","PublishDateString":"December 12, 2023","Id":1354,"Url":"/resources/learning-center/credit-101-understanding-credit-reports-and-scores-for-mortgage-applications/","CardLinkText":"Learn More","HasArticle":true}],"AllCategories":[{"Name":"Agriculture","Id":1818,"Slug":"agriculture-1818","HasCategory":true},{"Name":"Business Banking","Id":1822,"Slug":"business-banking-1822","HasCategory":true},{"Name":"Commercial Loans","Id":1348,"Slug":"commercial-loans-1348","HasCategory":true},{"Name":"Digital Banking","Id":1347,"Slug":"digital-banking-1347","HasCategory":true},{"Name":"Financial Education","Id":1817,"Slug":"financial-education-1817","HasCategory":true},{"Name":"Fraud and Security","Id":2260,"Slug":"fraud-and-security-2260","HasCategory":true},{"Name":"Mortgage","Id":1872,"Slug":"mortgage-1872","HasCategory":true},{"Name":"News","Id":1350,"Slug":"news-1350","HasCategory":true},{"Name":"Wealth Management","Id":2064,"Slug":"wealth-management-2064","HasCategory":true}],"AllArchives":[{"Date":"2024-03-01T00:00:00","Month":"March","Year":2024,"Slug":"march-2024","Name":"March 2024"},{"Date":"2024-02-01T00:00:00","Month":"February","Year":2024,"Slug":"february-2024","Name":"February 2024"},{"Date":"2024-01-01T00:00:00","Month":"January","Year":2024,"Slug":"january-2024","Name":"January 2024"},{"Date":"2023-12-01T00:00:00","Month":"December","Year":2023,"Slug":"december-2023","Name":"December 2023"},{"Date":"2023-10-01T00:00:00","Month":"October","Year":2023,"Slug":"october-2023","Name":"October 2023"},{"Date":"2023-09-01T00:00:00","Month":"September","Year":2023,"Slug":"september-2023","Name":"September 2023"},{"Date":"2023-08-01T00:00:00","Month":"August","Year":2023,"Slug":"august-2023","Name":"August 2023"},{"Date":"2023-06-01T00:00:00","Month":"June","Year":2023,"Slug":"june-2023","Name":"June 2023"},{"Date":"2023-05-01T00:00:00","Month":"May","Year":2023,"Slug":"may-2023","Name":"May 2023"},{"Date":"2023-04-01T00:00:00","Month":"April","Year":2023,"Slug":"april-2023","Name":"April 2023"},{"Date":"2023-02-01T00:00:00","Month":"February","Year":2023,"Slug":"february-2023","Name":"February 2023"},{"Date":"2023-01-01T00:00:00","Month":"January","Year":2023,"Slug":"january-2023","Name":"January 2023"}],"SiteLogoForSchema":{"Id":1255,"Name":"First Bank And Trust Company Logo","Alt":"First Bank & Trust Company","MediaHeight":73,"MediaWidth":288,"MediaUrl":"/media/yyydcsk3/first-bank-and-trust-company-logo.svg","CropHeight":0,"CropWidth":0,"CropUrl":"","WebpFormat":false,"NoCrop":false,"VerticalFocalPoint":50.0,"HorizontalFocalPoint":50.0},"SiteNameForSchema":"First Bank & Trust Company"}">

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